Are there any comedy reboots that turned out to be a good ideas?
#reboots #frasier #fawltytowers
Are there any sitcom reboots that turned out to be a good ideas?
#reboots #frasier #fawltytowers
Are there any reboots that turned out to be a good ideas?
#reboots #frasier #fawltytowers
Are there any reboots that turned out to be a good ideas?
#reeboots #frasier #fawltytowers
Comedy can have far-reaching consequences.
I was watching an old Inspector Morse hand heard an old school fire alarm.
My first thought:-
Basil Fawlty shouting "The fire drill is a semitone higher!"
"I can't even see Metulla Orionsis."
"You can see Metulla Orionsis. It's over there, between the land and the sky."
#doctorwho #fawltytowers
Classic British shows
Reveal core differences
Fawlty Towers, Brexit
#fawltytowers #brexit #britishtv #europeandifferences #haiku #poetry
#fawltytowers #brexit #britishtv #europeandifferences #haiku #poetry
A few more lol:
#TheLegendOfKorra #WhatWeDoInTheShadows #TheDragonPrince #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #EarthSea #Discworld #TerryPratchett #MontyPython ( #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus ) #FawltyTowers #RockyHorrorPictureShow #Switch #TableTopGames #Amphibia #SpongeBob ( #SpongeBobSquarePants ) #OpenSource #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #Atypical #Autism #AsWeSeeIt #Farscape #Splatoon #BaldursGate #MissMarple #MurderMystery #OneDayAtATime #GilmoreGirls #JoJosBizzareAdventure #ScoobyDoo #DouglasAdams
#thelegendofkorra #whatwedointheshadows #thedragonprince #buffythevampireslayer #earthsea #discworld #terrypratchett #montypython #montypythonsflyingcircus #fawltytowers #rockyhorrorpictureshow #switch #tabletopgames #amphibia #spongebob #spongebobsquarepants #opensource #floss #freesoftware #atypical #autism #asweseeit #farscape #splatoon #baldursgate #missmarple #murdermystery #onedayatatime #gilmoregirls #jojosbizzareadventure #scoobydoo #douglasadams
En ny Fawlty Towers låter möjligen som en bra idé om man finner något sorts sjukt nöje i att se en äldre man förnedra sig – om än av eget val. Eller ser någon annars fram emot detta? #fawltytowers #FawltyTowersReboot
#fawltytowersreboot #fawltytowers
Don't mention the War, Basil! And be a little nicer to Manuel.
#giveasongbookorshowcharacteradvice #hashtaggames #fawltytowers
Ah! There you all are! And a good morning to you all, wherever you are.
#KennthWilliams #Blackadder #FawltyTowers #NormanWisdom #AlloAllo
Tees by
#kennthwilliams #blackadder #fawltytowers #normanwisdom #alloallo
More #OldTvShows madness from Pip Madely- an absolutely wonderful #FawltyTowers supercut! Possibly the best thing he's ever done
#comedy #fawltytowers #oldtvshows
[1977] Read All About It - In 1977 Fawlty Towers was released in book form, which was a good excuse to bring John Cleese onto Read All About it. He discussed all things behind the hit comedy show with Mervyn Bragg, including the inspiration for Basil Fawlty, which goes back to a hotel Cleese stayed in while filming the Monty Python.
Also features poet Elaine Feinstein, philosopher Sir Alfred J Ayer and cricketer Mike Brearley.
#OldBritishTelly #fawltytowers
I'm watching #ThePatient on #Disney+ and IMAGINE MY SURPRISE to discover that Domhnall Gleeson's character is an EHO for his day job when he's not having murderous thoughts. They only time I've ever seen my profession on tv is that one episode of #FawltyTowers and numerous documentaries about filthy restaurants. This Changes Everything. 😲
#ThePatient #disney #fawltytowers #TVRecommendation
Anybody remember #FawltyTowers? Awesome. #spacekaren
@oldbritishtelly not sure if I missed it scrolling through the past posts, but anything from #fawltytowers or #stephenfry and #hughlaurie
#fawltytowers #stephenfry #hughlaurie