#FayettevilleAR gets a mention: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUNXFHpUhu8
Leading the way forward!
@LimWeather: D4
MRGL risk in S, Mid S US esp #TylerTX, #NewOrleans, #BatonRouge, #Shreveport, #JacksonMS, #LittleRock, #Jonesboro, #FayettevilleAR, #Memphis, #JacksonTN, #Paducah
#USwx #wxtwitter #DixieAlley #SevereWX #FlashFlood #TXwx #OKwx #LAwx #ARwx #MSwx #TNwx #MOwx #ILwx #KYwx #INwx https://twitter.com/LimWeather/status/1622148636221263873
#tylertx #neworleans #batonrouge #shreveport #jacksonms #littlerock #jonesboro #fayettevillear #memphis #jacksontn #paducah #uswx #wxtwitter #dixiealley #severewx #flashflood #txwx #okwx #lawx #arwx #mswx #tnwx #mowx #ilwx #kywx #inwx
If you are in #FayettevilleAR or #NWArkansas and need some N95 masks, I have 3 unopened packs of 10 that I am quite willing to part with to help keep others safe.
I’ve been trying to move back to #fayettevilleAR for at least 10 years and something has always stood in my way to do so. In 15 days I finally get to fulfill my dream! Best Christmas present ever!