Die Gewerkschaft #Verdi und die Firma #Apcoa liegen im Clinch. Nun gibt es schon zum vierten Mal eine Arbeitsniederlegung am Flughafen #BER #Berlin #Brandenburg – es könnte nicht die letzte sein. #FBB https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/mensch-metropole/verdi-apcoa-neuer-aerger-am-ber-berlin-brandenburg-warum-am-flughafen-ein-unbefristeter-streik-droht-gepaeckwagen-li.373429
#verdi #apcoa #ber #berlin #brandenburg #fbb
My wife is a super hero. | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=19137453
A story about a wife becoming a super hero very sexual and violent #fbb #snusnu #femdom #headscissor #bodyscissor #strongwoman #stronggirl #musclegirl #stronglegs #musclewoman #mixedwrestling #buffgirl #thighs #thighscrushing #buffwoman #muscleworship #femalebodybuilder #legscissor #calves
#calves #legscissor #femalebodybuilder #muscleworship #buffwoman #thighscrushing #thighs #buffgirl #mixedwrestling #musclewoman #stronglegs #musclegirl #stronggirl #strongwoman #bodyscissor #headscissor #femdom #snusnu #fbb #pixiv
please crush my head... or else | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=19046151
A very strong woman kept having men begging to crush his head. eventually she did it and started to enjoy it. and now everyone who wants to will have his head crushed by her. #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu #headscissor #bodyscissor #stronglegs #strongthighs #thighs #thighscrush #deathbythighs #femalemuscle #deathbylegs #legs #mixedwrestling #legsofsteel #skullcrush #headcrush #femalebodybuilder #amazon #musclegirl
#musclegirl #amazon #femalebodybuilder #headcrush #skullcrush #legsofsteel #mixedwrestling #legs #deathbylegs #femalemuscle #deathbythighs #thighscrush #thighs #strongthighs #stronglegs #bodyscissor #headscissor #deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
Canadian psycho muscle girl | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=18934960
This is my best story yet in my opinion its a femdom parody of American psycho #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu #musclewoman #musclegirl #amazon
#amazon #musclegirl #musclewoman #deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
Amazonian Christmas gift and punishment | yotv #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=18934947
Here is xmas femdom story #fbb #femdom #snusnu #deathbysnusnu
#deathbysnusnu #snusnu #femdom #fbb #pixiv
Durch Waldkirchen zieht zur Stunde eine, lt. Polizei, angezeigte Versammlung mit 50 TN die lautstark mit Trillerpfeifen auf sich aufmerksam macht. Mobi kam aus dem Umfeld der Freiheitsbewegung Bayern (#FBB).
1/ https://t.co/sdJUYhHURB
A concept growth sequence i was tinkering with maybe animated in blender or something.
#hyper #hypermuscles #fbb #furry
#Aerotelegraph - Ex-Schönefeld: Berliner Terminal 5 schließt für immer - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/berliner-terminal-5-schliesst-fuer-immer #berlin_brandenburg #schönefeld #Flughäfen #Berlin #ber #fbb
#Aerotelegraph #berlin_brandenburg #schonefeld #flughafen #berlin #ber #fbb
Leah Dennie at the Rising Phoenix World championships #fbb #wingsofstrength #muscle #bodybuilder
#fbb #wingsofstrength #muscle #bodybuilder
👹 #FBB 'Bill Barr Trashes Trump: "It's Unprecedented for a President to Take All This Classified Information and Put Them in a Country Club"' https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/bill-barr-trashes-trump-unprecedented-president-take-classified-information-put-country-club-video/?utm_source=Telegram&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons
#vqcd #tomboy #muscle #fbb #glasses #short_hair #mixtape #soupcore #analog
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/FXPdbGyB8R
About Me: https://vqcd.cool/Q/1300
#fbb #short_hair #analog #vqcd #tomboy #glasses #SoupCore #muscle #mixtape
#vqcd #tomboy #muscle #fbb #glasses #short_hair #mixtape #soupcore #analog
Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/FXPdbGyB8R
About Me: https://vqcd.cool/Q/1300
#fbb #short_hair #analog #vqcd #tomboy #glasses #SoupCore #muscle #mixtape
Y'est marrant l'ancêtre de 2017 @Elijah__ mais c'est des années d'aliénation à déconstruire, et encore, moi j'étais un petit nouveau sur le fuckin blue bird #FBB : on va foutre un sacre zbeul avant de s'adapter !