Semana Negra o cómo sobrevivir una semana completa en GNU/Linux sin
interface gráfica, solamente usando la consola o terminal.
#ASCII #Bash #Consola #ConsoleNinja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #FLISoL #framebuffer #GNU #links2 #Linux #mplayer #OrgMode #SemanaNegra #Shell #Terminal #Tmux #TTY
#ascii #bash #consola #consoleninja #emacs #fbi #fbterm #flisol #framebuffer #gnu #links2 #linux #mplayer #orgmode #semananegra #shell #terminal #tmux #tty
That's basically the idea, yes. If you've heard of #fbterm or the old #kmscon that used to be part of #systemd (but was quietly removed from it several years ago, with far less fanfare than when it was originally added) it's the same sort of idea, but structured significantly differently to and more flexibly than those two.
I have version 1.41 in development, delayed because of a planet-wide pandemic and Brexit. (-:
#fbterm #kmscon #systemd #nosh
Ok, so manually downloading the AUR repo and building the package has given me a conf.h file that has some options, but nothing that seems to fix it, apparently.
I'd very much like to try #fbterm at this time as well, but it seems that there is no package for it in Arch (even in AUR), so my guess is that it must be quite old? Where is the raw source code for it?