Most people in the know tell me they believe the FCF is finished as a product. Franchise sales have not been brisk, and the league's anticipated income source, NFTs, has come crashing down.
#FCF :fcf:
Fat cock for FatCockFriday.
#penis #cock #dick #dickpic #foreskin #FatCockFriday #FCF #ForeskinFriday #gayMan
#penis #cock #dick #dickpic #foreskin #fatcockfriday #fcf #foreskinfriday #gayman
Oats felt #FCF #ForeskinFriday #FatCockFriday #BodyPositivity
#fcf #foreskinfriday #fatcockfriday #bodypositivity
There’s a thing on #Bluesky called #FCF - fat cock Friday. Not sure if it’s a thing here but I’m cross-posting anyway cos I really like this pic. 😜
Here's one from last year, my husband took this while I was taking a break from being face-fucked by one of our FWBs. 🥵 He's a lot of fun
but he got a boyfriend so we don't get to fuck him any more.
Any volunteers?
Former Arena Football League commissioner, Jerry Kurz, has been tasked with selling these FCF franchises. The asking price is a “high six-figure…low seven figures.”
#FCF :fcf: | #ArenaFootball
The Fan Controlled Football league has cancelled their upcoming third season. The league claims to be focused on selling franchises, but recently, the league had dwindling cash reserves, despite Verizon pumping $40 million in as part of VC funding. While this doesn’t explicitly mean the end of the FCF, this is not promissing for the league. Recently, season 3.0 was pushed back from May to September. My guess is this is another league for the graveyard.
#FCF :fcf:
So apparently, the Fan Controlled Football league has pushed back their third season and will play in the fall. Meanwhile, it sounds like the plan is to play Fan Controlled Hoops will play this summer.
I don't often talk about Fan Controlled Football, but it's worth noting that the league is up for an Emmy for Digital Innovation.
#FCF :fcf:
Fun fact: the #FCF :fcf: has a fifth down option.
#NFL :nfl: #AFCChampionship :afc_championship: #NFLPlayoffs #CINvsKC
#fcf #nfl #afcchampionship #nflplayoffs #cinvskc
My dad is riding on a plane with the head of product for the #FCF :fcf:. Small world!
Here is another look at the #FCF :fcf: emojis!
:fcf_8oki: :fcf_bafc: :fcf_beasts: :fcf_gbs: :fcf_kod: :fcf_kp: :fcf_sbs: :fcf_zappers:
The #FCF, :fcf: aka Fan Controlled Football, has announced that season 3.0 will kick off (so to speak) in May of 2023.
The #FCF, aka Fan Controlled Football, has announced that season 3.0 will kick off (so to speak) in May of 2023.