#fcitx? Too new.
#ibus? Too new.
#scim? Too new.
But I finally have #Japanese input in my #OpenBSD box with #uim + #anthy. Just a couple of caveats but possible. #netsurf can’t use it, and I’ve not tried #w3m nor #lynx yet, but at least I can use it on both #leafpad and #nvi.
#fcitx #ibus #scim #japanese #openbsd #uim #anthy #netsurf #w3m #lynx #leafpad #nvi
Finally, #Japanese input: #ibus + #anthy doesn’t work very well, I always have to launch it manually and even so it doesn’t always work, or works only for one program but not the others.
I tried #fcitx + #anthy but I wasn’t able to get it working…
#japanese #ibus #anthy #fcitx #openbsd
Chinese input does not work in Chrome (Ubuntu 23.04) #googlechrome #ibus #fcitx
Chine input does not work in Chorme (ubuntu 23.04) #googlechrome #ibus #fcitx
Ce serait vachement cool un module Grammalecte pour Fcitx5 quand même.
@cirno hmmm God bless you.
BTW i am a #wm user. Fcitx is happy once i only have to set it’s many env vars (remember in .xinitrc NOT in .bashrc or other places)
I recall the dark days with hair scratching in configuring #Fcitx in #Debian-based distros. Sometimes it even neglected some deps to install!
Now I am using port-based distros. Everything works once they are built and packed. Cheers
Not a problem. I use #fcitx which is powerful for Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
#pinephone #ime #mozc #fcitx #mobian
It's possible to use Japanese IME on your PinePhone. You have to install Fcitx-Mozc. I tried on Mobian, works very good!
#mobian #fcitx #mozc #ime #pinephone
#antiS 2021.03-rc was released! 🥳
This is the first release that is based on #Slackware 15.0beta!
The most exciting thing for me should be the official inclusion of Chinese input methods: fcitx and ibus. #fcitx also shipped with various amazing input methods (Yuet Ping my favorite 🤩).
slackbuilds.org is freezing now so I will make formal release once they’re ready for 15.0.
And it’s a lot fun to play with #fcitx as it now features so many input methods, including #Cantonese Pinyin, Cangjie and ChutSheng ! My distro antiS can now better support Cantonese and people in #HongKong .
🤩 wow so exciting! CJK input methods #fcitx and #ibus were included in the official repo of #Slackware-current/15.0 beta (already)
I dun have to maintain these packages by myself. Just tested, fcitx works and you know it not so trivial to configure. Thanks :slackware:
Tried to install #fcitx (IME) on #openbsd but failed as well. It seems lacking its configtool... Not much time left for me to figure it out though. After all most package management tools on their distros do not manage fcitx well, except: slackware - with one shot of command and you are done. :slackware: 💯