Today we celebrate the death of a horrendous excuse for a human being going by the name of Stalin. He was responsible for deaths of millions in campaigns of imperialism, ethnic cleansing and mass political persecution. Rest in p*ss bozo. #OTD #fcktankies
Tankies are , objectively, absolutely awful people that will make excuses for any amount of atrocities as long as done by their beloved leaders. Literally no different from the Nazis.
#tankies #fcktankies
"No War But Class War" is swiftly becoming leftist version of "thoughts and prayers". It's a sad state of affairs when such a good slogan is rendered meaningless by people who can't offer any solutions to imperialist aggression apart from empty sloganeering.
#FckPutin #fckimperialism #classwar #fcktankies
Some time ago we came across Yellow Peril Tactical initiative from USA and it quickly became clear that they are our kind of people. We decided to do an interview with them to present them and their work to the wider public.
#antifa #ukraine #fcktankies #solidarity #yellowperiltactical
#antifa #ukraine #fcktankies #solidarity #yellowperiltactical
When fascist and tankie Vatniks can't agree on why they are simping for Putin. #vatnik #UkraineWar #fcktankies
#vatnik #UkraineWar #fcktankies
Espanola to skrajnie prawicowy rosyjski ochotniczy oddział biorący udział w "denazyfikacji" Ukrainy. Złożony jest z kiboli różnych klubów i jak widać bez najmniejszych oporów pokazuje symbole SS, imperialne flagi i inne skrajnie prawicowe symbole.
#fckputin #fcknazis #fcktankies #ukraina #161crew #antifa #antyfaszyzm
#FckPutin #fcknazis #fcktankies #ukraina #161crew #antifa #antyfaszyzm
Just an example of what kind of brain rot is common amongst the tankies, who dare to call themselves "anti-fascist" whilst simping for Russian imperialism. Those specimens were observed in Basque Country.
#tankies #fcktankies
Why is US tankie band Stick To Your Guns full of shit? #antifa #fcktankies #tankies