BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
166 followers · 683 posts · Server

The "smash-and-grab operations" in the Great Koala National Park

"One of the reasons the Victorian industry was eventually closed was because citizen scientists proved the state loggers were not properly protecting greater gliders. The failures cost VicForests millions of dollars in fines and access to forests it needed".

"As the legal challenges wind their way through the courts, the NCC is about to ramp up the pressure by announcing the creation of B r e a c h w a t c h , a network of volunteers trained and equipped to monitor, record and report evidence of Forestry Corp breaches".

Breach Watch website
You can help identify threatened species and expose planned illegal logging

Identify a forest scheduled for logging
A citizen science project to protect forests, Nature Conservation Council

#stoplogging #nativeforests #nsw #fcnsw #bellingenlogging #smashandgrab #sousveillance #breachwatch #savetuckersnob #greatkoalanationalpark #gnkp #koalas #climate #biodiversity

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
163 followers · 673 posts · Server

Forestry Corporation's logging operations halted in Tallaganda State Forest, glider found dead
"After discovering a dead endangered marsupial, Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) has been issued a stop-work order in a state-owned forest near Canberra".

"EPA investigators discovered a dead southern greater glider beside a logging area within the Tallaganda State Forest. This habitat is ground zero in the race to save this critically threatened species," she said. WWF conservation scientist Kita Ashman"

Stop logging native forests in a climate and biodiversity emergency!
Extinction makers

#fcnsw #logging #stoplogging #stopecocide #tallagandasf #endangeredspecies #conservation #gliders

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
163 followers · 672 posts · Server

NSW forestry agency ordered to stop logging after greater glider found dead

The state-owned New South Wales forestry agency has been ordered to immediately stop logging in parts of a state forest after the Environment Protection Authority found a dead greater glider – an endangered species – nearby.

#tallagandasf #logging #biodiversity #wildlife #fcnsw #stoplogging

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
162 followers · 663 posts · Server

‘Back the chainsaws’: Albo slammed amid calls to end decades-long ‘damaging’ forest logging

“Over 90 per cent of native forest that is logged in NSW is pulped and sent overseas to be used in woodchips and cardboard.”

“The NSW government has been covering the losses of the native forest logging industry for nearly a decade. It is not a profitable industry; in the past two years alone, $29 million of taxpayer money was spent subsidising native forest logging".

"...The NSW government's audit office found FCNSW did not consistently monitor compliance of its contractors or assess risks."

#fcnsw #stateforests #loggingindustry #subsidies #nsw #compliance #outsource #risks #worthmorestanding #bellingenlogging #newrystateforest #nativeforests #savetuckersnob #biodiversity #climate

Last updated 1 year ago