Teaching FDA Law and Policy at SLU LAW this fall, using the terrific 5th edition casebook by Hutt et al.
We will be sharing content across various social media platforms using #FDALaw -- join us as we discuss course materials and current events!
RT @DrSinhaEsq@twitter.com
I made this point *many times* in #FDALaw this semester! https://twitter.com/prof_goldberg/status/1598428378557992961
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrSinhaEsq/status/1598910451001065472
@jonpainterphoto I've encouraged my students in #FDALaw #PandemicLaw #PHLaw to consider publishing their papers for my class. I often help them with the process! Submitting to law student essay contests is another option, as winning essays are often published.
Welcome to my @Mastodon #medmastodon #lawprofs #lawprof #law #medicine account!
I am faculty in the Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University School of Law. My research focuses on #FDALaw, #PHLaw, and #PatentLaw.
My bio can be found here: https://www.slu.edu/law/faculty/michael-sinha.php
#MedMastodon #lawprofs #lawprof #law #medicine #fdalaw #PHLaw #patentlaw