Tusky is a really cool client, it's the best I have tried so far (from the ones available on fdroid). Keep up the good work guys, it's a great client!
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #com_keylesspalace_tusky #fdroid_app_comments
#com_keylesspalace_tusky #fdroid_app_comments
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #org_fdroid_fdroid #fdroid_app_comments
Letztes Update macht f-droid spürbar träge, zu der eh schon unschönen und unpraktisch en GUI - sehr schade.
#org_fdroid_fdroid #fdroid_app_comments
Die beste App, die ich kenne um die eigenen Finanzen zu dokumentieren und im Blick zu behandelten.
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #com_oriondev_moneywallet #fdroid_app_comments
#com_oriondev_moneywallet #fdroid_app_comments
Ridiculous to have so called 'federated social' app blocking certain instances at the app level in the code for political reasons when instances can apply their own blocks, thus rendering less technical users unable to access their favourite instance.
#com_keylesspalace_tusky #fdroid_app_comments
If you're using Youtube without this you're missing out on a lot of flexibility.
@gdroid #org_schabi_newpipe #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #org_schabi_newpipe
The way it works with the directional swipes is unexpected, but really intuitive!
@gdroid #juloo_keyboard2 #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #juloo_keyboard2
It's an essential for anyone using a dav server like Nextcloud, SOGo or the others.
@gdroid #at_bitfire_davdroid #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #at_bitfire_davdroid
Osmand. This app was a pillar for my job at one point. The search is really good. Being able to show public transport routes is great. It's not let me down for years and years
@gdroid #net_osmand_plus #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #net_osmand_plus
#briar ist schon ein witziger Messenger. Auch wenn die #Mesh Funktion nicht oft zum Einsatz kommt ist der #P2P Ansatz schon eine interessante Sache.
@gdroid #org_briarproject_briar_android #fdroid_app_comments
#briar #mesh #p2p #org_briarproject_briar_android #fdroid_app_comments
A simple and functional tuner for several instruments.
#de_moekadu_tuner #fdroid_app_comments
Aplicación para poner marcas de agua facilmente.
A mejorar: cuando lo ejecutas sobre varias imagenes y se bloquea el movil, al desbloquear ves que se reinicia la ejecución de todas las imágenes.
#me_rosuh_easywatermark #fdroid_app_comments
Great tool, really helped me learn hiragana and katakana
#fdroid_app_comments #org_kaqui
StreetComplete makes cartography fun. I like filling in the details for streets, houses, and business on maps.
@gdroid #de_westnordost_streetcomplete #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #de_westnordost_streetcomplete
Olha que bacana o que eu acabei de achar no F-Droid 😃
Nheengaré (Um dicionario de nheengatu)
FlowIt is a good puzzle game with levels that look easy at first, but are much more challenging.
@gdroid #com_bytehamster_flowitgame #fdroid_app_comments
#fdroid_app_comments #com_bytehamster_flowitgame
Trying out @gdroid and I'm immediately disappointed by the lack of a dark mode option. It's $CURRENTYEAR, I thought we as a society had this sorted :( #org_gdroid_gdroid #fdroid_app_comments
#org_gdroid_gdroid #fdroid_app_comments
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #im_status_ethereum #fdroid_app_comments
This App is nice, but you have to pay for everything !
#im_status_ethereum #fdroid_app_comments
Eine absolut praktische und schöne App! Leicht in der Bedienung, trotzdem vollgepackt mit Features, außerdem sicher, Privatsphäre-freundlich und Open Source! Absolute Weiterempfehlung! 👍
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #eu_faircode_email #fdroid_app_comments
#eu_faircode_email #fdroid_app_comments
I could not want anything better than this app! It's simply perfect 🤩
@gdroid@mastodon.technology #de_danoeh_antennapod #fdroid_app_comments
#de_danoeh_antennapod #fdroid_app_comments