@dirksche @fdroidorg habe die #fdroidapp gelöscht und durch #Droidify ersetzt...würde dir es auch empfehlen :)
Kann mir einer sagen warum #fdroidapp 3GB an daten hat?
Ich lösche immer den Cache vom mein phone mit z.b #SDMaid ...ebenso ist es so eingestellt das die heruntergeladene #apk nach einer gewissen zeit in fdroid automatisch gelöscht wird....aber 3GB an daten? Wozu? Woher? Warum?
#android #app #fdroid #daten #apps #foss #opensource #opensourceapps #cache
#fdroidapp #SDMaid #apk #android #app #fdroid #daten #apps #foss #opensource #opensourceapps #cache
F-Droid 1.16 mit neuem Repository-Format - LinuxNews
#android #opensource #fdroid #fdroidapp #appstore
Currently trying out "neo store" as frontend for @fdroidorg.
It is warning me of known vulnerabilities for installed software. Nice 👌🏿
#fdroidapp #vulnerablilty #security
When you do NOT publish your #android #app in the Play Store (e.g. #gadgetbridge, #fdroidapp , #imagepipe), is there a good reason to increase the #targetSdk ?
Does it matter at all?
The last sdk updates mainly impose restrictions without much benefit for developers and make development harder.
Why upgrade targetSdk when you can completely ignore G***le's rules about minimum targetSdk?
What are your thoughts?
#targetsdk #imagepipe #fdroidapp #gadgetbridge #app #android
When you do NOT publish your #android #app in the Play Store (e.g. #gadgetbridge, #fdroidapp , #imagepipe), is there a good reason to increase the #targetSdk ?
Does it matter at all?
The last sdk updates mainly impose restrictions without much benefit for developers and make development harder.
Why upgrade targetSdk when you can completely ignore G***le's rules about removing apps from the Play Store that do not comply with G***le's targetSdk rules?
What are your thoughts?
#targetsdk #imagepipe #fdroidapp #gadgetbridge #app #android
When you do NOT publish your #android #app in the Play Store (e.g. #gadgetbridge, #fdroidapp , #imagepipe), is there a good reason to increase the #targetSdk ?
Does it matter at all?
The last sdk updates mainly impose restrictions without much benefit for developers and make development harder.
Why upgrade targetSdk when you can completely ignore G***le's threats about removing apps from the Play Store that do not comply with G***le's targetSdk rules?
What are your thoughts?
#targetsdk #imagepipe #fdroidapp #gadgetbridge #app #android