Next up, I #amreading To Melt a Frozen Heart by #FearneHill. I've read all of the Rossingley series except this Christmas novella. Tis the season! I already know I'll enjoy it.
#amreading #fearnehill #mmromance #gayromance #BookToot #fridayreads
@VinGeorge I think I could have made the list 3x as long, but you have to stop somewhere. You’re a “new to me” author, but I’m going to check out Fang’d real soon especially with the #FearneHill glowing review on GR. 📖❤️ #mmromance @mmromance
#bookstodon @mmromance #mmromance
Some of my favorite authors:
I'm sure I'm missing some other favorites. I'm really grateful for my favorite authors. They rock!
#bookstodon #mmromance #sloanekennedy #fearnehill #alexaland #batortuga #amarthur #keiraandrews #kellyfox #caradee #tavialark #jackienorth #michaelrobert #letablake #elouiseeast #nickyjames #kcwells #rachelember #roehorvat #cpharris #katehawthorne #alexishall