Martin Nutty · @mnutty
1251 followers · 2114 posts · Server

19) File this one under dealing with

New construction is often met with protest frequently stoked by the under the guise of ecological or environmental impact. In this case, wind farms somehow threaten whales.

The just want to slow down the so they can sell the last barrel of oil from their deposits

Remember this formula:
= +


#fearofchange #windfarm #carbonarchy #oilygarchy #energytransition #cleanenergy #cleanair #coolplanet #climatecrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

David H Deans · @dhdeans
4 followers · 75 posts · Server

Exposing the Fearful Motivation for Anti-Remote Work Propaganda -- Why the legacy CEOs must find the courage to answer this question, and why their misinformation campaign will fail.

#flexiblework #remotework #fearofchange #ceo

Last updated 1 year ago

Chrissy · @chrissytina
7 followers · 143 posts · Server
Shaman · @RulesBuster
16 followers · 249 posts · Server

@Snoro why is it that it reads "Government"? Shouldn't it read UK, instead? Getting to is everyone's job! Alas, for the majority of voters promises of lower taxes, Britishness (whatever that is), and are far more appealing than averting the impending , , and the vision of living in a country build upon , , and .
Grow up everybody and take responsibility for your actions or the lack thereof!

#netzero #fearofchange #climatebreakdown #massextinction #socialjustice #equalopportunity #empathy

Last updated 2 years ago