It’s the #FeastOfTheSevenFishes and I counted twelve kinds of fish through our meal but still I somehow managed to consume three cannoli at the end of the night.
If you are Italian-American (or not), I *HIGHLY* recommend the movie "Feast of the Seven Fishes."
It chronicles one family's 1983 mad dash to prepare and execute the traditional Christmas Eve dinner of seven seafood courses. It's funny, it has a fantastic cast, and if you (like me) grew up with this tradition in your own family, you'll fight back tears of nostalgia.
Available on Amazon Prime and other streaming services.
#feastofthesevenfishes #italianamerican #fishmas #xmas
Public Service Announcement: You don't need to be Italian to celebrate Feast of the Seven Fishes (aka, Fishmas) on Christmas Eve.
It helps, but it's not necessary.
#feastofthesevenfishes #fishmas #italianfood #italianamerican #italianamerica
More photos of our Feast of the Seven Fishes (aka, Fishmas) that we usually celebrate on Xmas Eve, but celebrated early last night.
#fishmas #feastofthesevenfishes #feastofthesevenfishesmovie #italianamerican #italianamericanfood
Some photos of our Feast of the Seven Fishes (aka, Fishmas) that we usually celebrate on Xmas Eve, but celebrated early last night.
#fishmas #feastofthesevenfishes #feastofthesevenfishesmovie #italianamerican #italianamericanfood
More photos of our Feast of the Seven Fishes (aka, Fishmas) that we usually celebrate on Xmas Eve, but celebrated early last night.
#fishmas #feastofthesevenfishes #feastofthesevenfishesmovie #italianamerican #italianamericanfood
Some photos of our Feast of the Seven Fishes (aka, Fishmas) that usually celebrate on Xmas Eve, but celebrated early last night.
#fishmas #feastofthesevenfishes #feastofthesevenfishesmovie #italianamerican #italianamericanfood
Scenes from an Italian-American Christmas Eve.
#feastofthesevenfishes #italianfoodrules #fishmas #italianfood #BaccalaBallsWithRemolade
Scenes from an Italian-American Christmas Eve, part 3.
#italianfood #feastofthesevenfishes #fishmas #LinguiniWithCalamari #italianfoodrules
More scenes from an Italian-American Christmas Eve.
#feastofthesevenfishes #fishmas #octopus
Scenes from an Italian-American Christmas Eve.
#feastofthesevenfishes #fishmas #italianfood #italianfoodrules