How to Transform Your Love of Gaming Into a Career
Today we explore ways that you can turn your love of gaming into a career. It's not for everyone, but here are a few ideas for those willing to try.
#Features #Videogames #advice #featurearticles #gamingcareers #gamingjobs #videogames
#features #videogames #advice #featurearticles #gamingcareers #gamingjobs
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BookPrize #Canada #CanadaReads #Fiction #Television #WordstoScreen
CBC’s ‘Canada Reads’ Returns, Featuring ‘Station Eleven’
The long-running literary debate show, 'Canada Reads,' is set to air March 27 to 30 this year, seeking to 'shift your perspective.'
The post CBC’s ‘Canada Reads’ Returns, Featuring ‘Station Eleven’ appeared first on Publishing Perspectives.
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bookprize #canada #canadareads #fiction #television #wordstoscreen
#IndieAuthorNews #Marketing #Asia #Bookfairs #coronavirus #COVID19 #FeatureArticles #IsabellaWu #Taiwan
Interview: Taipei International Book Fair’s Isabella Wu
Publisher Isabella Wu, chair of the Taipei International Book Foundation, highlights the vital role of books in public discourse. The post Interview: Taipei International Book Fair’s Isabella Wu appeared first on Publishing Persp...
#indieauthornews #marketing #asia #bookfairs #coronavirus #covid19 #featurearticles #isabellawu #taiwan
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Asia #BookFairs #Coronavirus #COVID19 #IsabellaWu #Poland #PoliticalBooks #ProfessionalProgram #TaipeiInternationalBookExhibition
Interview With Taipei’s Isabella Wu: ‘The Conversation’
The chair of the Taipei International Book Foundation, Isabella Wu, talks about the importance of books in public debate and discussion.
The post Interview With Taipei’s Isa...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #asia #bookfairs #coronavirus #covid19 #isabellawu #poland #politicalbooks #professionalprogram #taipeiinternationalbookexhibition
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #AndyHunter #BookMarketing #Book2look #Bookselling #Bookshoporg #DigitalPublishing #Germany #RalphMllers #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates
Book2look Powers Look-Inside Excerpts at
The founders of Book2look and, announce a new partnership for book excerpts and marketing to's site.
The post Book2look Powers Look-Insid...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #andyhunter #bookmarketing #book2look #bookselling #bookshoporg #digitalpublishing #germany #ralphmllers #unitedkingdom #unitedstates
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Bertelsmann #Diversity #Germany #InternationalPublishing #MadelineMcIntosh #MarkusDohle #MergersandAcquisitions #NanaLohrengel #PenguinRandomHouse
Penguin Random House’s Madeline McIntosh To Step Down
I am here for every single one of you, now and in the future,' Madeline McIntosh tells PRH staff in a heartfelt memo.
The post Penguin Random House’s Made...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bertelsmann #diversity #germany #internationalpublishing #madelinemcintosh #markusdohle #mergersandacquisitions #nanalohrengel #penguinrandomhouse
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Asia #BookFairs #ChildrensBooks #COVID19 #DigitalPublishing #FrankfurtBookFair #GuestofHonor #Illustration #Poland #Taiwan
Taipei International Book Exhibition Opens Its 31st Edition
The 31st Taipei International Book Exhibition has opened its run with professional programming as well as public-facing entertainment.
The post Taipei International Book E...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #asia #bookfairs #childrensbooks #covid19 #digitalpublishing #frankfurtbookfair #guestofhonor #illustration #poland #taiwan
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BolognaBookPlus #BolognaChildrensBookFair #BolognaLicensingTradeFairKids #BolognaRagazziAwards #BookFairs #BookPrize #ChildrensBooks #EIBF #ElenaPasoli #Greece
Bologna Children’s Book Fair: 2023 Ragazzi Awards
The 2023 Bologna Ragazzi Awards Attracted 2,349 titles entered by 644 publishers in 59 international book publishing markets.
The post Bologna Children’s Book Fai...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bolognabookplus #bolognachildrensbookfair #bolognalicensingtradefairkids #bolognaragazziawards #bookfairs #bookprize #childrensbooks #eibf #elenapasoli #greece
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #18App #AssociationofItalianPublishers #AssociazioneItalianaEditori #Audiobooks #BookSales #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Ebooks #Europe #GuestofHonor #Italy
Italy’s Book Market Up 13.3 Percent Over 2019
Presented in Venice at the Mauri School, the 2022 report from Italy's publishers shows gains over the pre-pandemic era, amid market shifts.
The post Italy’s Book Market Up 13.3...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #18app #associationofitalianpublishers #associazioneitalianaeditori #audiobooks #booksales #coronavirus #covid19 #ebooks #europe #guestofhonor #italy
#IndieAuthorNews #Marketing #FeatureArticles #Legimi #MikoajMaaczyski #Papercosts #Poland #Printing #Ukraine
Poland Tells Publishers: The VAT on Books Must Stay
Hobbled, as are other markets, by high production and shipping costs, Poland’s book business learns that its taxation won’t be eased. The post Poland Tells Publishers: The VAT on Books Must Stay appeared first on Publishing Perspective...
#indieauthornews #marketing #featurearticles #legimi #mikoajmaaczyski #papercosts #poland #printing #ukraine
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Europe #Hungary #LiteraryMagazines #NorthAmerica #SndorJszbernyi #TheContinentalLiteraryMagazine
The Continental Literary Magazine: ‘Tools for Cultural Engagement’
Sándor Jászberényi, the founding editor of Budapest's 'The Continental Literary Magazine,' champions Central European and US writers. Sponsored.
The post The Continental Literary Ma...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #europe #hungary #literarymagazines #northamerica #sndorjszbernyi #thecontinentalliterarymagazine
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #AbuDhabi #AbuDhabiArabicLanguageCenter #Algeria #Arabic #Authors #BookPrize #Egypt #Fiction #InternationalPrizeforArabicFiction #Jordan
The International Prize for Arabic Fiction’s 2023 Longlist
Nine markets are represented by the 16 longlisted books selected by the 2023 jury of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction.
The post The International Prize for...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #abudhabi #abudhabiarabiclanguagecenter #algeria #arabic #authors #bookprize #egypt #fiction #internationalprizeforarabicfiction #jordan
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Asia #Authors #Bestsellers #ChildrensBooks #China #ChinaBestsellers #Fiction #IllustratedBooks #Illustration #JiangBoyan #Nonfiction #Rights
China Bestsellers in December: What the Kids Are Reading
With adults busy trying to follow the animated adaptation of 'The Three-Body Problem,' we look in on the children's chart for December.
The post China Bestsellers in Decemb...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #asia #authors #bestsellers #childrensbooks #china #chinabestsellers #fiction #illustratedbooks #illustration #jiangboyan #nonfiction #rights
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BerlinInternationalFilmFestival #BerlinaleCoProductionMarket #BooksatBerlinale #BookstoFilm #Europe #Film #FrankfurtBookFair #Germany #Rights
‘Books at Berlinale’ To Pitch 11 Titles to Film Producers
Eleven books are announced as part of this year's 'Books at Berlinale' program on February 20 and will be pitched to film producers.
The post ‘Books at Berlinale’ To Pit...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #berlininternationalfilmfestival #berlinalecoproductionmarket #booksatberlinale #bookstofilm #europe #film #frankfurtbookfair #germany #rights
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #AcademicPublishing #Copyright #Diversity #Inclusion #Licensing #LondonBookFair #MichielKolman #PublishingConferences #Rights
London Book Fair Plans: Scholarly and Rights Conferences
Research and scholarly publishing again has a conference at London Book Fair, and 'Introduction to Rights' returns on the show's eve.
The post London Book Fair Plans: Sch...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #academicpublishing #copyright #diversity #inclusion #licensing #londonbookfair #michielkolman #publishingconferences #rights
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #ArabicLiterature #ArabicPublishing #BanipalMagazineofModernArabLiterature #BanipalPrizeforArabicLiteraryTranslation #Translation
Cheering 25 Years: A Celebration of ‘Banipal Magazine’
Recognizing and celebrating' 75 editions, fans applaud the team behind 25 years of Banipal Magazine's Arab literature in translation.
The post Cheering 25 Years: A Celebr...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #arabicliterature #arabicpublishing #banipalmagazineofmodernarabliterature #banipalprizeforarabicliterarytranslation #translation
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BolognaBookPlus #BolognaChildrensBookFair #BolognaLicensingTradeFairKids #BookFairs #BookPrize #ChildrensBooks #EIBF
Bologna’s 60th Book Fair: Illustrators Exhibition Winners
A total 21,725 illustrations by 4,345 participants were submitted from 91 nations for this year's Illustrators Exhibition honors at Bologna.
The post Bologna’s 60th Book Fair: I...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bolognabookplus #bolognachildrensbookfair #bolognalicensingtradefairkids #bookfairs #bookprize #childrensbooks #eibf
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Accessibility #BookPiracy #Brazil #China #Colombia #Copyright #Coronavirus #COVID19 #DigitalAcceleration #Diversity #France #Germany #GvantsaJobava #Inclusion
IPA’s Karine Pansa at DBW: ‘A Big Wake-Up Call’
The need for coherent, actionable data impacts the progress world publishing can make on its prime challenges, IPA's Karine Pansa says.
The post IPA’s Karine Pansa at DBW: ...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #accessibility #bookpiracy #brazil #china #colombia #copyright #coronavirus #covid19 #digitalacceleration #diversity #france #germany #gvantsajobava #inclusion
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #BookPrize #BrsenvereindesDeutschenBuchhandels #Europe #GermanBookTradePeacePrize #Germany #SerhiyZhadan #Ukraine
German Book Trade Peace Prize: ‘Winter Aid for Ukraine’
As nominations open for the 2023 German Book Trade Peace Prize, the program joins in the 'Winter Aid Ukraine' campaign.
The post German Book Trade Peace Pri...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #bookprize #brsenvereindesdeutschenbuchhandels #europe #germanbooktradepeaceprize #germany #serhiyzhadan #ukraine
#IndieAuthorNews #FeatureArticles #Angoulme #BandesDessines #Comics #Coronavirus #COVID19 #France #Germany #GraphicNovels
Rights Edition Interview: Germany’s Rita Fürstenau
Rita Fürstenau of Germany's Rotopol Press talks about comics, graphic storytelling, and the rights outlook ahead of the 50th Angoulême.
The post Rights Edition Interview: G...
#indieauthornews #featurearticles #angoulme #bandesdessines #comics #coronavirus #covid19 #france #germany #graphicnovels