Im (englischsprachigen) YouTube Interview 🎬🎥🗣️ mit Julian Matschinske, dem leitenden Entwickler von erläutert er die Vorteile der -fähigen Infrastruktur von FeatureCloud, stellt die Funktionalitäten und Features der Plattform vor und lädt andere ein, ihre eigenen beizusteuern.

#featurecloud #privacy #developers #apps #appstorehealthcare #ai #federated #machinelearning #ml

Last updated 1 year ago

▶️ YouTube interview with Jan Baumbach from the University of Hamburg, scientific coordinator of :

Setting the bar high - the goal of the 5-year EU-funded project has been nothing less than to revolutionize -aware for .

#featurecloud #privacy #ai #healthcare #appstorehealthcare

Last updated 1 year ago

▶️ YouTube interview with Christof Tschohl from Research Institute – Digital Human Rights Center in Vienna:

Both an IT security expert and a lawyer, he answers legal, ethical, and philosophical questions about the European and explains how 's () approach enhances patient by giving them full control over their .

#gdpr #featurecloud #federated #machinelearning #ml #privacy #medicaldata #appstorehealthcare #ai #patientsfirst #dataprotection

Last updated 1 year ago