Support Frogmore Paper Mill's recovery! Following a significant fire in January 2022, this visitor centre needs help to repair damages. Run by Apsley Paper Trail, this self-financed historic site in Hemel Hempstead depends on contributions for restoration and preservation. Help them reopen soon!
#FeaturedCharity #SaveFrogmorePaperMill #RebuildAndReopen #RaiseAwareness #PreserveOurHistory
#featuredcharity #savefrogmorepapermill #rebuildandreopen #raiseawareness #preserveourhistory
Imagine living in a world where there are no roads, only vast stretches of water. 💦 For many people, this is their reality. But with the incredible power of the hovercraft, #FeaturedCharity, Hoveraid, is skimming over land and water to bring help to those in need.
Hoveraid is run by a small yet mighty team driven by energy, tenacity, faith, and an unwavering determination to provide assistance where others cannot. 👏
#featuredcharity #hoveraid #reachtheunreachable #hovercraft