Albert Woodfox was born #OTD in 1947. While jailed in NYC, he was introduced to the Black Panthers. After he was moved to the notorious Angola Prison, he joined up with other Black Panthers to fight for prisoners’ rights and education. The state responded with 43 years of solitary confinement, but he heroically remained unbroken and was freed during the last years of his life.
Today's art source:
#history #Angola3 #USA #BlackHistoryMonth #PrisonAbolition #ToWeRi #Feb19
#feb19 #toweri #prisonabolition #blackhistorymonth #usa #angola3 #history #otd
Today In Metal History 🤘 February 19th, 2023 🤘BLACK SABBATH, AC/DC, SCORPIONS, SODOM, HAMMERFALL
TALENT WE LOST R.I.P Ronald Belford "Bon" Scott (AC/DC): July 9th, 1946 – February 19th 1980 R.I.P. Frank Watkins (OBITUARY): February 19th, 1968 – October 18th, 2015 HEAVY BIRTHDAYS Happy 75th Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) - February 19th, 1948...
#BlackSabbath #ACDC #Scorpions #Sodom #Hammerfall #Feb19 #TodayInMetalHistory #MetalHistory
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #blacksabbath #acdc #scorpions #sodom #hammerfall #feb19 #todayinmetalhistory #MetalHistory