Discovering the hidden connections between neurons and immune cells in pain perception.
First preLight post from Patrick Penndorf #mpi_ie #FEBSnet covering a #preprint from Aakanksha Jain and team. Includes a response from the authors...👀
#preLight 👉
#mpi_ie #febsnet #preprint #prelight #neuroimmunology
A letter to my friends from the University of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo #FEBSnet
Considering a postdoc? Read this first #FEBSnet
RT @FEBSnews
Show off your research and your creative skills. The FEBS Network has launched a #video #competition for students and scientists under 36 years from the FEBS Constituent Societies. Deadline 15 May. More info on the #FEBSnet
Key research on #bioplastics from a team highlighted on this sleek video, one of the winners of the FEBS Science and Society call for proposals from FEBS Societies. Watch it on #FEBSnet (and get info on the next call):