#DepartmentOfFisheriesAndOceans is being flooded w/calls for #change after a #ParliamentaryCommittee #examined how the #FederalAgency conducts, interprets & acts on its own science.
#Investigation ended with 49 #recommendations to address #concerns about how #DFO #science is presented to the #FisheriesMinister & public before #important #political #decisions are made — particularly those involving #BritishColumbia #SalmonFarms or commercial #fisheries on either coast.
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Feds Hit with Successful Cyberattack, Data Stolen - The attack featured a unique, multistage malware and a likely PulseSecure VPN exploit. https://threatpost.com/feds-cyberattack-data-stolen/159541/ #microsoftoffice365credentials #dataexfiltration #federalagency #inetinfo.exe #cyberattack #pulsesecure #spycampaign #government #cisaalert #espionage #malware #exploit #hacks
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