For more read #NealKatyal’s WaPo article 'Why the #Trump trial should be televised'
#PetitionToTeleviseTrumpTrial #TrumpTrial #FederalCourts #TeleviseTrumpTrial #Transparency #Propaganda #Spin #Bias #Narrative #Optics #Media #Uninformed #MediaLiteracy #Indictment #Jan6 #ElectionInterference #Conspiracy #Fraud #Obstruction #Insurrection #Coup #PublicInterest #RightToVote #Vote #Law #Legal #SpecialCounsel #JohnRoberts
#nealkatyal #trump #petitiontotelevisetrumptrial #trumptrial #federalcourts #televisetrumptrial #transparency #propaganda #spin #bias #narrative #optics #media #uninformed #medialiteracy #indictment #jan6 #electioninterference #conspiracy #fraud #obstruction #insurrection #coup #publicinterest #righttovote #vote #law #legal #specialcounsel #johnroberts
#House #Democrats push for #televising #Trump trials on ClassifiedDocuments, 2020 #ElectionInterference #charges
Trump’s lawyer has also called for #cameras in the #courtroom
In a letter to Judge Roslynn Mauskopf, who oversees the admin of #FederalCourts, the lawmakers argued that the move would bolster public acceptance of the outcome.
#legal #law #PublicInterest #2024election
#house #democrats #televising #trump #electioninterference #charges #cameras #courtroom #federalcourts #legal #law #publicinterest #2024election
As for any challenge to the #constitutionality of the provision, the bill gave the DC #FederalCourts exclusive power to rule on any #constitutional challenge.
Citing that #law, lawyers for the #pipeline asked the #SupremeCourt to vacate the lower court order & direct dismissal of the litigation. They argued that under the new law, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals no longer has the power to hear the case. The federal gov weighed in as well, supporting the pipeline's #legal position.
#constitutionality #federalcourts #constitutional #law #pipeline #supremecourt #legal #scotus
This time, however, #pipeline advocates had a new federal #law on their side — & in an unusual place. Tucked into last month's deal to raise the #DebtCeiling & avoid default was a provision Sen #JoeManchin insisted on in exchange for his support. In explicit terms, #Congress not only approved the #MountainValleyPipeline, but "#Section234" of the debt ceiling bill also took away the ability of #FederalCourts to hear any remaining challenges to it (um, what?).
#pipeline #law #debtceiling #joemanchin #congress #mountainvalleypipeline #section234 #federalcourts #scotus
Those Texas federal judges are going to be our national nightmare for the next few decades.
#Texas #federalcourts #Justice #womenshealth #politics
#Politics #womenshealth #Justice #federalcourts #Texas
"[Y]ou assert that our #actions, even though #peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate #violence. ... We must come to see that, as the #FederalCourts have consistently affirmed, it is #wrong to urge an #individual to cease his efforts to gain his basic #constitutional #rights because the quest may precipitate violence. #Society must #protect the robbed and punish the robber." #MartinLutherKing Jr., Letter from
#BirminghamJail, April 16, 1963. #MLKDay
#actions #peaceful #violence #federalcourts #wrong #individual #constitutional #rights #society #protect #martinlutherking #birminghamjail #mlkday
"“This global challenge does not lend itself to a patchwork of baseless lawsuits in state courts pursuant to state laws,” Chevron lawyer Theodore Boutrous said. Judges have so far ruled against the companies on that ..procedural issue, repeatedly returning the suits to state courts, which are seen as more favorable to plaintiffs. Now the US Supreme Court is weighing companies’ request that it intervene to move the cases to federal court". #Law #FederalCourts #SupremeCourt #EnvironmentalLaw
#law #federalcourts #supremecourt #EnvironmentalLaw
#Introduction #Introductions
#etc #noncomposmentis #ttrpg #koibu #historicalfiction #tolkien #sciencefiction #federalcourts #politics #flintknapper #rockhound #fossils #archaeology #astronomy #physics #science #musicology #music #ProtoIndoEuropean #architecture #art #modernhistory #renaissancehistory #medievalhistory #ancienthistory #history #allkinds #underdogs #EatTheRich #lovewhomyouplease #antiracism #pacifist #democraticsocialist #athiest #freetobe #introductions #introduction
#Introduction #Introductions
#etc #noncomposmentis #ttrpg #koibu #historicalfiction #tolkien #sciencefiction #federalcourts #politics #flintknapper #rockhound #fossils #archaeology #astronomy #physics #science #musicology #music #ProtoIndoEuropean #architecture #art #modernhistory #renaissancehistory #medievalhistory #ancienthistory #history #allkinds #underdogs #EatTheRich #lovewhomyouplease #antiracism #pacifist #democraticsocialist #athiest #freetobe #introductions #introduction
#introductions I try to help keep the wheels moving as Associate Dean / Academic Affairs at the beautiful campus of #WillametteLaw in #SalemOregon USA. I love teaching #CivilProcedure / #CivPro, #FederalCourts, as well as other courses. Scholarship (see SSRN in profile) in #AppellateProcess and judicial decision making; research in comparative #JudicialReview. Road biking and science junkie, too.
#judicialreview #appellateprocess #federalcourts #civpro #civilprocedure #SalemOregon #willamettelaw #introductions
#demoniacresistance, #federalcourts, #federaloverreach, #nullification2020, #occupytyranny, #policestate, #politicalcorruption, #qualifiedimmunity, #surveillance, #trump2020, #trunptrain2020
#DemoniacResistance #federalcourts #federaloverreach #Nullification2020 #occupytyranny #policestate #politicalcorruption #qualifiedimmunity #surveillance #trump2020 #trunptrain2020