ICAC has said Berejiklian's conduct was not serious enough to lay charges.
The Commission has considered whether Ms Berejiklian’s conduct in relation to the RCM could constitute or involve a substantial breach of an applicable code of conduct for the purposes of s 9(1)(d) of the ICAC Act, rather than whether it could constitute or involve a criminal offence for the purposes of s 9(1)(a).
Ultimately, the Commission is of the view that Ms Berejiklian’s conduct, while it constitutes or involves a substantial breach of the ministerial code, is not so serious as to merit criminal punishment (an element of the offence of misconduct in public office) and therefore does not reach the very high bar required to make out this element of the offence of misconduct in public office.
For this reason, the Commission is not of the opinion that consideration should be given to obtaining the advice of the DPP with respect to the prosecution of Ms Berejiklian.
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