#GinniThomas Helped Establish a ‘Billion-Dollar Force’ Ahead of Citizens United: Report
Ginni #Thomas, and Leonard #Leo, the co-chairman of the #Federalist Society’s Board of Directors, were working behind the scenes with the support of a controversial billionaire
Its mission would be to, at the time, block then-President Barack Obama’s pet initiatives.”
“She also had a rich backer: #HarlanCrow,
#GinniThomas #thomas #leo #federalist #harlancrow
" #Conservative Case Emerges to Disqualify #Trump for Role on Jan. 6 - Two law professors active in the #Federalist Society wrote that the original meaning of the 14th Amendment makes Donald Trump ineligible to hold government office.
Two prominent conservative law professors have concluded that Donald J. Trump is ineligible to be president under a provision of the Constitution that bars people who have engaged in an insurrection from holding government office. The professors are active members of the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group, and proponents of originalism, the method of interpretation that seeks to determine the Constitution’s original meaning. The professors — William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas — studied the question for more than a year and detailed their findings in a long article to be published next year in The University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
#NYT #NewYorkTimes article, link without paywall - https://archive.ph/zk9SL
#US #USPolitics #USElections #2024Election #FederalistSociety #Conservatives #Republicans
#conservative #trump #federalist #nyt #newyorktimes #us #uspolitics #uselections #2024election #federalistsociety #conservatives #republicans
How the #Federalist Society helped Ron DeSantis move the Florida Supreme Court 'hard-right'
"Astoundingly, Crow was so proud of his own Little Apalachin Meeting that he wasn’t satisfied with memorializing it in a mere photograph. He commissioned an artist, Sharif Tarabay, to paint the scene of the now infamous mob-meet."
#SupremeCourt #corruption #ethics #ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #Federalist Society #GinniThomas
#supremecourt #corruption #ethics #clarencethomas #harlancrow #leonardleo #federalist #GinniThomas
"Leo and Rutledge had worked on the confirmation hearings for several Republican appointees to the court, including Thomas himself, making it appear that the cigar-smoke-filled outdoor gathering was to celebrate the appointments of Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh and look forward to putting Christian Nationalist Amy Comey Barrett on the court with them."
#SupremeCourt #corruption #ethics #ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #Federalist Society #BrettKavanaugh #AmyComeyBarrett
#supremecourt #corruption #ethics #clarencethomas #harlancrow #leonardleo #federalist #brettkavanaugh #amycomeybarrett
"Crow sat down with his personally-owned Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, and his Federalist Society master, Leonard Leo. Also there were lawyer Peter Rutledge, an attorney who had practiced over 30 times before the Supreme Court, and Mark Paoletta, a former chief counsel to Vice President Pence who has represented Justice Thomas’ wife, Ginni."
#SupremeCourt #corruption #ethics #ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #Federalist Society #GinniThomas
#supremecourt #corruption #ethics #clarencethomas #harlancrow #leonardleo #federalist #GinniThomas
"Leonard Leo had already run interference for one vacancy on the court filled by Donald Trump by conspiring with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to stall Barack Obama’s appointment in 2020 of Merrick Garland so the Republican Party could wait for the election of Trump to put another Federalist Society-approved hack, Neil Gorsuch, on the court."
#SupremeCourt #corruption #ethics #ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #Federalist Society
#supremecourt #corruption #ethics #clarencethomas #harlancrow #leonardleo #federalist
How Does Leonard Leo Hide All His Right-Wing Dark Money?
Here's One Way
Newly released tax filings by Schwab Charitable—one of the nation's largest sponsors of what are called donor-advised funds—offers another major piece of information on how this "dark money" moves
(see ProPublica’s “How a Secretive Billionaire Handed His Fortune to the Architect of the Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts”), Leo has featured in story after story
#leo #darkmoney #fascism #federalist
The #Federalist Society is a #terrorist organization. It is high time we treated them like one. #FedSoc
#FedSoc #terrorist #federalist
The #Federalist Society, #Catholic, white, #Republican, corrupt, bought and paid for #SupremeCourt has the lowest approval rating in history. Scandals are piling up and now #Democrats in the #Senate want to see some serious changes, starting with developing an ethics code. There isn’t one and there never has been in the history of the court.
#federalist #catholic #republican #supremecourt #democrats #senate
Federalist Society leader's 'lavish' lifestyle under scrutiny after $43 million dark money transfer..#LeonardLeo..#GOP..#Federalist..#whitenationalism https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/federalist-society-leader-s-lavish-lifestyle-under-scrutiny-after-43-million-dark-money-transfer/ar-AA185Syk?cvid=3000399a7e4040c2d21071a8ef4e194d&ocid=winp2fptaskbar&ei=7
#leonardleo #gop #federalist #WhiteNationalism
Beter nog, als we als #EU echt een geopolitieke grootmacht willen worden, zullen we buitenlands zaken moeten 'Europeaniseren'. Laat de beste diplomaten, ambtenaren en specialiseren van ons continent een echt Europees 'BuZa' vormen. Buitenlandse beleid hoort op het Europese niveau. Maar dat zal u niet verbazen uit de mond van een #federalist 😉 🇪🇺
The mask is off
All that #Textualism and #Originalism and high-minded-sounding #OriginalIntent schtick was a premeditated #Federalist / #GOP lie
It's far right #SCOTUS #ActivistJudges all the way down from here on out
#Textualism #originalism #originalintent #federalist #gop #scotus #activistjudges
Peter Thiel went to #Stanford, alma mater to many #cryptofascist “libertarians,” where he was President of the #Federalist Society and made many lifelong friends.
One of the people he met there was the son of Supreme Court Justice Anthony #Kennedy who mysteriously stepped down in time to give Donald Trump a chance to nominate Bret #Kavanaugh. PFT
#stanford #cryptofascist #federalist #kennedy #kavanaugh
The White Supremacist Court is super-majority #christofascist #cult with the goal of eliminating liberal democracy in favor of a theocratic, male-dominated white ethnostate.
The three #Trump “Justices” are nothing of the sort. They were installed by the #Federalist Society and an illegitimate president to serve the interests of fascists, theocrats and foreign nation-states.
Fuck this shit.
#christofascist #cult #trump #federalist
Former VP Pence cites separation of powers as a reason why Congress has no right to his testimony. Checks and Balances says otherwise. As James Madison said in Federalist 51, "Ambition must be made to counteract ambition." #federalist #January6Commission
#federalist #January6Commission
We are working to ⚒️ build a democratic system of global governance. Basically, a global country. Insane? Potentially! Needed? Definitely!
And we are about to get started with global consultations beginning in 2023! 🤩⚡
🗳️ Register to join our efforts: www.atlasmovement.org/globaldemocracy
📽️ Watch the full video explaining our project YouTube: www.youtube.com/atlas
#democracy #federalist #unitednations #peoplepower #globalgovernance #atlas #globaldemocracy #fridaysforfreedom
#democracy #federalist #unitednations #peoplepower #globalgovernance #atlas #globaldemocracy #fridaysforfreedom
Can me a Far-right Federalist find friends here on Mastodon?
#EuropeanUnion #eu #europe #far #federalist
I'm a #European #federalist (who used to be young, too).
*What does it mean?*
1.) I believe that #Europe can only overcome it's violence ridden past (internally as well as externally - yeah, I'm looking at you, #colonialism) if it is united in a shared framework of positive values: #democracy, human rights, social rights (yes, #socialism is actually a good thing, but so is #emancipation), #ecology, #participation. None of these are European per se and should not be viewed as such. They can very much be universal but don't claim to be complete or in any way exclusive. But they are an important part of European history. I identify a lot with the European Union as the implementation of much of this framework. But it clearly has biiiiig flaws and can not stay the way it is. I'm aware that "Europe" is just as arbitrary in its boundaries as are nation states. So, what makes Europe Europe is the deliberate, free choice to work together and integrate. Oh, and clearly and objectively the best #food on the planet (fight me).
2.) I believe that political systems are never monolithic. They need to tackle both the most mundane and smallest, and the biggest and most complicated topics. This, in my opinion, is best done by putting topics on appropriate levels. While you should put one as low and hence local as possible, you should put it high enough that it can be tackled effectively. Many topics won't fit on a single level. And while you may find a configuration that suits you at a time, this may become obsolete. #Federalism means you #unite in #diversity and try to keep things local and approachable wherever possible. You move the big things up where you have the collective power to do good. And as such it is constantly evolving and intrinsically complicated (that's an objective downside that I think we should be willing to accept).
And that's that. I encourage everyone to #federalise (or to "Fed up!", I guess 😅) and to consider why this could and should work on a global level to (yes, world #federalism is a thing).
#european #europe #colonialism #democracy #federalism #unite #federalise #federalist #socialism #emancipation #ecology #participation #food #diversity
Hi everyone! I am #RF #engineer by training, #european #federalist and #socialist (if you're scared now, you can say #progressive or social democrat) by conviction, #cycling to work (now working at GSI) and trying to stay sane with two kids in the Germany. I speak German, English and French, so I'll be more than happy to connect in any of these languages.
I am blogging occasionally about mostly irrelevant small things that bug me and may me #Linux-, #Python- or #electromagnitics-related under https://bowfinger.de/blog
#introduction #neuhier
#rf #engineer #european #socialist #linux #introduction #neuhier #progressive #python #federalist #cycling #electromagnitics