Matt · @MattPCart
22 followers · 1204 posts · Server

Either I was doing wrong or is just out here smashing it when it comes to

My feed was only useful after following a series of people.

has that and allowing me to see toots from people I'd otherwise probably never find.

You know who you are, new-friend. ๐Ÿ‘

#federatedtimeline #localtimeline #socialmedia #Mastodon #birdsite

Last updated 1 year ago

Ory Szabo · @oryszabo
3 followers · 11 posts · Server

Based on my previous observations (ca. 2018), the content on the federated timeline of Mastodon/Fediverse has changed. There are less NSFW and nonce stuff shared. I wonder if my instance blocks those instances or there had been a collective movement on Mastodon to โ€˜shadow banโ€™ them or unfederate โ€“ I also don't see accounts boosting posts from those instances.

#mastodon #fediverse #federatedtimeline

Last updated 1 year ago

Lydia Conwell :mastodon: · @lydiaconwell
771 followers · 7175 posts · Server
Lydia Conwell :mastodon: · @lydiaconwell
771 followers · 7175 posts · Server

You know when scrolling the and you come across one of the people you're following ...

It's a bit like being in a busy part of town and then bumping into someone you know. And you go "Oh, hello!"

#Mastodon #Fediverse #federatedtimeline

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikko · @mastosalo
77 followers · 906 posts · Server

I strongly recommend everybody, just once in a while, to scroll through the federated timeline.

You'll find interesting gems, since not everyone chooses to use hashtags.

I've found great , , , , etc

#psa #people #photography #jokes #news #fedietiquette #federatedtimeline #mastodon #noob #newhere #FediverseTips #fediversehowto #mastodonhowto

Last updated 1 year ago

Lydia Conwell · @lydiaconwell
704 followers · 6509 posts · Server

Maybe I should follow a load of bots/fake accounts and get them in touch with each other.

Like: Ha ha! Thanks @DozyO you should talk to @Reine28374 about that


Last updated 1 year ago

Bahadir · @Bahadir
117 followers · 65 posts · Server

There are three main timelines. You have your home timeline, which is just people and hashtags you follow. The second is the timeline which is your server/instance. In our case this is . The third is the . It will show people from other servers that are being followed by someone on your server. I personally don't hang out over there as I find it crowded. I saw your post while I was hanging around local.

#local #fosstodon #federatedtimeline

Last updated 1 year ago

jello ใƒ„ · @andersgeek
15 followers · 483 posts · Server

Seeing a lot more activity in the and I mean, A LOT MORE. It this another wave of birdsite leavers or did something change? Did you change anthing, @admin?

Iโ€™m certainly gonna have to mute or block a couple of accounts who are posting way too frequent, at the very least. The discovery of random stuff has taken quite the hit, Iโ€™d argue. :(


Last updated 2 years ago

Ambigram Art · @Ambigramart
388 followers · 1502 posts · Server




Last updated 2 years ago

Terminal Impala · @terminalimpala
14 followers · 161 posts · Server

Not sure why I should even look at the Federated timeline. It seems to me that this is just aiming the fire hose straight at my face.

#mastodon #federatedtimeline #firehose #face

Last updated 2 years ago

Dumb Cheesewedge · @merpderp
109 followers · 847 posts · Server

Sometimes I get the urge to try and keep up with the federated timeline, I feel like it is just barely doable.

The idea of actually seeing pretty much everything going on feels so intriguing, like that stuff is absolutely impossible on most other platforms.

I don't think I'd be able to actually give each toot more than a quick glance tho tbh

#fediverse #federatedtimeline

Last updated 2 years ago

Author C.L. Irwin · @authorclirwin
25 followers · 137 posts · Server

OK, someone in the just posted a photo of a person in a very realistic-looking mask (it was most likely a cosplay costume) and for some weird reason it was marked as "sensitive content."๐Ÿคฃ There was literally NOTHING offensive or sensitive about it including the caption text. Is it too scary for small children and pets to gaze upon? Perhaps.๐Ÿ˜‚

#cthulu #federatedtimeline #Mastadon

Last updated 2 years ago

โ„ฆ ๐ŸŒ Gus Posey · @Gustodon
626 followers · 3342 posts · Server

Quiet permeates the cabin, despite the Pioneer deck warming the dashboard.

City lights push up on a sky so black it seems like space, the soft orange light of civilization working against infinite darkness.

As the junction approaches, I downshift, pushing the car into third as we move onto the ramp, letting the clutch out deliberately, matching the curve. Third gear is beautiful.

With no cars in sight, I accelerate, suddenly awake and dazzled by the road ahead.


Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
623 followers · 1604 posts · Server

I'd been looking on at the feed from just those I follow and my instance. But I was fooling around in the browser and I decided it was time to take a look at the Federated timeline.

Why didn't anyone warn me? The initial feed is so rapid-fire it made me dizzy. And there's so much there. I don't think I can view it without filters. All I can say is wow.

#mastodon #federatedtimeline

Last updated 2 years ago

LisPi · @lispi314
115 followers · 1861 posts · Server

Well, with the growth of the , it's progressively becoming harder to actually use primarily the from the .

Leaves me wondering about the best way to reach posts that might be of interest.

Some sort of local prioritized sorting by a user-agent seems like an interesting option.

Anyone has an idea how many come out of the average Federated firehose per day and how much data that represents?

#fediverse #federatedtimeline #webui #untagged #statuses

Last updated 2 years ago

Sami Seppo ( EN / FI ) · @samiseppo
4 followers · 18 posts · Server

An Instance could also preset a suitable default number of max toots per minute allotted for its Federated timeline, it make flood more usefully and inspiringly. :aw_yeah:

#mastodon #timeline #localtimeline #federatedtimeline #filters

Last updated 2 years ago

Sami Seppo ( EN / FI ) · @samiseppo
4 followers · 17 posts · Server

Since that ferociously flooding :ablobfoxbongoterrified: is practically useless with major language settings (like English), there could be a feature to filter only it particularly,

...and perhaps also similar for one's Local timeline.

Certain randomness could be a possible option too, for user to adjust e.g. how many toots per/time period would be allotted visible. ๐ŸŽฐ

#federatedtimeline #mastodon #featurewishes

Last updated 2 years ago

Sami Seppo ( EN / FI ) · @samiseppo
4 followers · 16 posts · Server


As a Finnish speaker I can always filter those feeds by my language to make them both flow approachable.

By using e.g. characters like "#, @, http" as filters, you can make even the Federated feed in English rather approachable and in its less frantic randomness.


Your hashtag searches won't work, albeit your #-followings do, so this is mostly recommended for more advanced users.

#mastodon #mastotips #localtimeline #federatedtimeline #filters

Last updated 2 years ago

Sami Seppo ( EN / FI ) · @samiseppo
4 followers · 16 posts · Server


As a Finnish speaker I can always filter those feeds by my language to make them both flow approachable.

By using e.g. characters like "#, @, http" as filters, you can make even the Federated feed in English rather approachable and in its less frantic randomness.


Your hashtag searches won't work, albeit your #-followings do, so this is mostly recommended for more advanced users.

#mastodon #mastotips #localtimeline #federatedtimeline #filters

Last updated 2 years ago

Sami Seppo ( EN / FI ) · @samiseppo
4 followers · 16 posts · Server


As a Finnish speaker I can always filter those feeds by my language and make them both flow approachable.

By using e.g. characters like "#, @, http" as filters, you can make even the Federated feed in English rather approachable and in its less frantic randomness.

Your manual hashtag searches won't work, albeit your #-followings do, so this is mostly recommended for more advanced users.

#mastodon #mastotips #timeline #localtimeline #federatedtimeline #filters

Last updated 2 years ago