EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
286 followers · 256 posts · Server aus.social

It isn’t the federal gov policies that have caused this. It is consistent gov corruption and support of money making privatisation. Keep the money and make it public owned ie non-profit.

It is a mess successive have made and it is bastard to fix.


#auspol #fedgov

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
259 followers · 388 posts · Server aus.social

I’m curious. Firstly the tried to tell us that our problem is inflation and the primary reason we have inflation is because of wage growth….there is none. Then when that didn’t work they tried to tell us we needed more .

So what is productivity? How do you measure it? It sounds like our and use knee jerk excuses to avoid the real problem which is we have have too much cash being thrown around. Now why do we have too much cash?

Companies are making massive profits, aren’t being taxed enough on it, they pass it on as dividends to 50+ year olds who aren’t being taxed properly and they are throwing the money around like confetti because they have nothing better to do with it. I mean who here with a rising mortgage has money to throw around?

So what both our Government and RBA don’t want to do to is fix inflation as they don’t want to upset a bunch of over indulged guys their age and their demographic.

#RBA #productivity #fedgov #auspol

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
258 followers · 385 posts · Server aus.social

Don’t do it US…it is the first step to hell. In Oz we are still suffering from the repercussions of catholic Priest sexual abuse. Our uses it as a funding football for mates.


#fedgov #auspol

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
253 followers · 336 posts · Server aus.social

Again the are leading the country by introducing . Our is so politically focused.

#states #treaties #fedgov #auspol #insiders

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
252 followers · 304 posts · Server aus.social
Jeroen Herrie :verified: · @herriej
33 followers · 123 posts · Server mastodon-belgium.be

In tijden dat voor sommige mensen melk en brood al bijna onbetaalbaar is, gaat een minister daarvan de prijs door BTW-verhoging nog wat opdrijven. Hij zal dat niet voelen met zijn ministerloon.

#wegvandewereld #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
222 followers · 302 posts · Server aus.social

So how long will it take this to work out that they will be punished for the interest rate rises and wage loss?

They should bite the bullet and do what they have to do now and and not delay and keep their corporate mates sweet. Increase company taxes and high wage earner taxes. Fiddling with is just pointless.

#fedgov #auspol #super

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
215 followers · 302 posts · Server aus.social

The and should be investigated for leaking information to .

The ministers should be investigated for leaking information to

is a foreign owned business and has a monopoly on the media in Australia and a control over both major parties.

#afp #actpol #theaustralian #auspol #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
214 followers · 298 posts · Server aus.social

It is so easy for people to blame Lowe and the with what is happening. He and the board are wealthy enough to ride out inflation and are part of the group driving it. Also our luvs it if you blame them.

BUT their job is clear and they are doing it with the tools they are given. AND more importantly our is the one who has put policies of greed out their to the ones who don’t need it which is also driving inflation. If our doesn’t reign in inflation with the tools they have, many tools they have, then they are the ones who should be punished.

#RBA #fedgov #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom · @Ticom
10 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.world

archive.org/details/intelligen Useful information and a piece of history from the days of the War On (Some) Drugs.

#intel #humint #notaprepper #dea #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

Tom · @Ticom
10 followers · 16 posts · Server mastodon.world

archive.org/details/intelligen Useful information and a piece of history from the days of the War On (Some) Drugs.

#intel #humint #notaprepper #dea #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
162 followers · 576 posts · Server aus.social

NSW government strips Byron council of authority to cap short-term rentals such as Airbnb

So let us guess who is trying to stop the council from fixing and lack of accommodation for .

Both the and the have been very busy protecting their financial investments to the detriment of our economy and housing problem.

#homelessness #employees #nswgov #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
160 followers · 569 posts · Server aus.social

I think my like of is that high profile journalists who hang around politicians don’t live here. We don’t have to see them try and justify why they

1. get spoon fed stories from the
2. Pump out their media owners propaganda.
3. try and and justify why they think the industry isn’t that bad
4. provide us with US war hawks feed on why we should go to war with someone.

#mastodon #fedgov #fossilfuel

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
153 followers · 620 posts · Server aus.social

Responsible Wagering Australia is a lobby group representing Betting Companies.

A totally misleading name. and our should be ashamed.

#asic #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
153 followers · 616 posts · Server aus.social

Let’s talk about some strange occurrences that have been happening in security.

1. Did anyone think it was strange how all of Bruce’s were removed from everywhere when they couldn’t keep a lid on what he did?

2. In the struggles of getting emails and documents and I would bet anything the person who was making sure occurred would have been watching every email and making sure all the documents had the illegality of it removed. Yet this person is illusive. It wouldn’t have been but it would be someone working directly with .

3. Even the is caught in this. A group that is meant to be outside gov control.

I think if people in the and/or media really tried using some of their brain cells they would know exactly who this person is/was. All documents have been wiped of his name but he would have been known of so why isn’t he been mentioned.

Maybe the commission needs to ask the ‘right’ question. Who are all the key players they had to keep in the loop of what they were doing?

#morrison #robodebt #BruceLehrmann #afp #adf #Hoover #dutton #dss #dsh #australian #footprints #ombudsman #fedgov

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Bennett · @chrisbennett
84 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.social

The U.S. Department of is looking for a Deputy Executive Director to serve as chief of staff and principal advisor for the National Governing Board, which sets policy for .

Applications are due 11/18. See the full posting at usajobs.gov/job/684613200

#education #assessment #naep #k12 #k12education #government #Govjobs #federaljobs #measurement #evaluation #psychometrics #statistics #fedgov #communications

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob Carlson :maryland: · @vees
298 followers · 487 posts · Server epistolary.org

Hello everybody, I'm a Software Developer from the and area. I do web projects for for work and do scouts, PTA, and lots of kid-related stuff in my spare time.

I'm very interested in , , , , , , , and .

I started this Mastodon node yesterday on my super old domain name which used to host email lists after deleting my 14-year-old bird site.

#introduction #baltimore #baltimorecounty #maryland #fedgov #react #rubyonrails #python #devops #projectmanagement #equity #localschools #freemasonry #hamradio

Last updated 2 years ago

Karel Brits 💬 · @karelbrits
466 followers · 4515 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @Dirk_Lauwers@twitter.com

Een idee uit Finland voor @GeorgesGilkinet@twitter.com @VincentVQ@twitter.com @AnneliesVl@twitter.com? Verkeersboetes in verhouding je inkomen. Lijkt me rechtvaardiger. En is effectiever… twitter.com/americanfietser/st

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Dirk_Lauwers/statu


Last updated 2 years ago