It looks like and have clearly good intentions in trying to build communities that use .

Ideally they () would not use servers that are Amazon and Microsoft (part of the ), as they represent the worst of the legacy system.

FediMint require tech-savvy community leaders they call '' to manage the local federation. To what extent, 'guardians' may need to interact with fedi, including via CAGEMAFIA is unknown.

#fedibitcoinapp #fediMint #bitcoin #fediDotXYZ #cageMafia #guardians

Last updated 2 years ago


> "Introducing Fedi, the Global Adoption Technology"

Bah haha!

The website is hosted on Amazon servers and claims "increased privacy".

Further insult to injury, it has a "sign up" via email for "updates and early access" without having any PrivacyPolicy.


Says its a "" (typically *is* ).


#bitcoin #fediDotXYZ #LightningWallet #lightningnetwork #massSurviellance #fediXYZ #fediMint #bitcoinCoreFixesThis

Last updated 2 years ago