> Creates a Server to collaborate on ways to get the message out about Fediverse — because " are the best for fostering a ".

So a proprietary bait-and-switch, lol.


- - -

For those who want to all you need is . We produced a last year (see our pinned toot) and will be updating it soon, with a popular, new designed recently.

Please don't use CloudflareDiscord.

#discord #chatrooms #community #CloudflareDiscord #astroturf #getCreative #fediverse #fediFlyer #FediverseIcon

Last updated 3 years ago

@1iceloops123 @sim
This time last year we produced a , for letterboxing or only giving to ppl fed up with the online algorithms dictating what they can see and say online (just ask them, they'll tell you).

Find flyer in our pinned toots or via hashtag, it explains part of why Fedi offers better experiences than dotcons.

We'll be updating it in coming weeks (largely cosmetic, changing mentions to [/#I2P-friendly etc]) so any feedback will be welcomed.

#fediFlyer #pleroma #epicyon #torbrowser

Last updated 3 years ago

We produced a last year for fediverse softwares and we just assumed that a would be happy to accept crypto. But that was .

Unfortunately, both suggestions above ( and ) are so if your business values and avoiding , another service may be better?

@MacLemon @rami

#fediFlyer #bountyHunter #notforprofit #hackerone #openBugBounty #cloudflare #privacy #masssurveillance

Last updated 3 years ago

Welcome to Fediverse, we hope you find the useful.

If you have any questions about it feel free to ask.


Last updated 3 years ago

New trend?

Of the randoms we stop on our bicycle commutes to give our , 60% reply quite proudly that they don't use .

We congratulate them. They rarely volunteer info on where they've moved, but 98% havn't heard of or don't accept flyer. 75% accept flyer.

We gather that most know are being played.

Most times they're just glad to hear about and want to learn more.

1-2% have heard of Cloudflare.

Not financial advice but

#fediFlyer #bigtech #fedi #thePeople #fediverse #divestFromBigTechAsap

Last updated 3 years ago

The conversation seems over so this is redundant.

If we are so masto-slur then why would we be pro-Pleroma in our ? Don't be prejudiced.

Didn't realise that name-calling, and labels is "why fedi exists".

@icedquinn @lanodan

#fediFlyer #AlwaysLearning

Last updated 3 years ago

Happy to announce to Australian that an Australian English version of the Flyer is now also also available here.



Unfortunately the SVG is 12MB – too big to be uploaded to . Both it and US/UK English versions are available at the website above

#fedizens #fediverse #GCCProject #qoto #fediFlyer #FediDesign #flyers #png

Last updated 3 years ago

Happy to announce to Australian that an Australian English version of the Flyer is now also also available here.



Unfortunately the svg is 12MB, and too big to be uploaded to . Both it and US/UK English versions are available at the website above

#fedizens #fediverse #GCCProject #qoto #fediFlyer #FediDesign #flyers

Last updated 3 years ago

(2/2)…gave 30 days for the FTC to re-file their complaint.

Judge made the ruling. He was appointed by in 2011 and also presides over the .

Facebook became a trillion-dollar on this news.

(We produced a design for occasions like this. If you print them in bulk at a professional printing service you'll be surprised how cheaply you can print them.)

#deletefacebook #eattherich #JamesBoasburg #obama #ForeignIntelligenceSurveillanceCourt #fediFlyer #fakebook #stonks #ImprisonList

Last updated 4 years ago

Fediverse explainer video that is really very nice:

The only big downside is it features and which are both infrastructures. Having said that, if someone feels compelled to add a QR code to the above link on the fediverse flyer we designed () we approve that, if and only if, the speech bubble about Cloudflare (et al) on the reverse is not replaced with alternate content.

#KiwiFarmDotCC #OdyseeDotCom #cloudflare #fediFlyer

Last updated 4 years ago

The following files are from the repo of @zleap here:

Thanks Paul! The more who host these files elsewhere, the better.

SVG design file:

PRINT-READY JPGs are in the next toot (A4 size, not exact DL size. So tell your printer about that).



Last updated 4 years ago

We are happy to announce that a final version of the is available.

One place you can access it is at the blog of @zleap here:

Tell your local printer to print at DL size.
We are really thankful to Paul and others who've strived to keep their repos up-to-date. An SVG file is provided for translation and edits, please ask if you intend to change the message. Its CC-SA-Attribution 4.0 Intl' licensed.



Last updated 4 years ago

So they are suppressing now!

Just yesterday we finished developing a for events like this.

One place you can find it is on Paul Sutton's blog:

The SVG file is included, so ppl can translate to other languages and are welcome to host it themselves.

Happy printing and delivering :)

#thegrayzone #FediverseFlyer #fediFlyer

Last updated 4 years ago

Hello Ben, thanks for sharing your censorship story, haha. We are producing a for that:



Last updated 4 years ago

Hi @kaniini (sorry if other kaniini),

Also @sl007 @liaizon @zleap @alex @fedilab

Thanks for shedding light on possible issues with '' (see socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/)

What specifically breaks (AM). It was understood that by design, included AM and Orbot compatibility for the purpose, as stated on the .

For ease of reference, you wrote on above page:


#privacybydesign #AspectManagement #fedilab #fediFlyer

Last updated 4 years ago


shasum -a 256 FediFlyer_fedUpCatTribe_v210221.svg.zip

shasum -a 256 FediFlyer_fedUpCatTribe_v210221_enAU.zip

shasum -a 256 FediFlyer_fedUpCatTribe_v210221_enUS.zip

#fediFlyer #v210221

Last updated 4 years ago

See above, @humanetech @nestort
@sl007 @witchescauldron

We may need to find another way to share 18MB (svg with photos embedded in it). It's unfortunate that the 5MB of images blow out to 18MB when embedded (using ).

#fediFlyer #inkscape

Last updated 4 years ago

Hi Humane Tech,

Feel free to add us (and our PGP fingerprint) for ethical work.

We've been using refurbished computers for years now, use the (#)newInternet (Tor and I2P) and bitcoin. Antiwar. We use website, buy (SOLE) Small Organic Local Ethical. We also donate to freedom-respecting infrastructures/development.

An example of our work under (#)FediverseIcon. Currently in early phase of developing a CC .

We can't git atm.

@theruran @pixouls

#graphicdesign #shopEthical #fediFlyer

Last updated 4 years ago

Change will likely come from the bottom up, if at all. That's why we are working on a simple .


Last updated 4 years ago


ts a narrative that worked for Jan 6. Google will ban Fedi via . They already have layed groundwork for this by threatening to remove Fedilab from the . As a sidenote, is anyone watching the commits to Fedilab since "help®" came along?

We don't say this to spread FUD, only to strengthen our understanding of how the seems to be working.

We are in the process of designing a simple , to inspire people to ditch Fakebook.

#googlesafebrowsing #playstore #securitystate #fediFlyer

Last updated 4 years ago