Check this great little resource that can help you identify which instances are on cloudflare, amazon, and/or google servers, so you can warn a user appropriately.
Notice how they position themselves around young people.
#fediverseInstances #digitalColonialists #dotCons #fediInstances #avoidList #nazism #youth #indoctrination #extremism #entrapment @zleap
#fediverseInstances #digitalcolonialists #dotcons #fediInstances #avoidlist #nazism #youth #indoctrination #extremism #entrapment
A badge-of-honor for #Fediverse instances that block #CAGEFAM instances, and either a) reject CAGEFAM links in toots produced by people on their instance, or b) subscribe every person to a by default.
When your server does this, tell us and we will design and produce the…
#antiTrust #oligarchy #BadgeOfHonor #BadgeOfHumanity #noCAGEFAM #fediDesign #fediInstances #beCarefulWhatYouPutOut
#fediverse #cageFam #antitrust #oligarchy #BadgeOfHonor #BadgeOfHumanity #noCAGEFAM #FediDesign #fediInstances #beCarefulWhatYouPutOut
A badge-of-honor for #Fediverse instances that block #CAGEFAM, and either a) reject CAGEFAM links in toots produced by people on their instance, or b) subscribe every person to a by default.
When your server does this, tell us and we will design and produce the…
#antiTrust #oligarchy #BadgeOfHonor #BadgeOfHumanity #noCAGEFAM #fediDesign #fediInstances #beCarefulWhatYouPutOut
#fediverse #cageFam #antitrust #oligarchy #BadgeOfHonor #BadgeOfHumanity #noCAGEFAM #FediDesign #fediInstances #beCarefulWhatYouPutOut
A couples other things, we don't like to chain #hashtags in a sentence for the same reason. Instead leave a chain the end of the toot.
Fediverse clients and #instances can help to improve readability also by ensuring hashtags are a different colour to the rest of the text. Readers can then identify the topic without necessarily reading the whole thing, too. And it helps readers to skip the '#' character while reading.
#hashtags #instances #fediInstances #fediverseInstances
Oh we see. We thought Fedi was toots, lol. Well, maybe if everyone agrees they are posts and db reflects "posts" then its a good thing to introduce? What is of extra interest to us is what other things might #fediInstances be able to deliver?
Eg. Signed /merge-request/ or /patch/ etc?
In fact, if Fedi instances could be set to adopt a #patch in its own db after an update, it could make the whole 3402 problem go away.
Just brainstorming. We're not #fediInstance experts in any sense.
#fediInstances #patch #FediInstance