It has the greatest talent behind it, defending the code, making incremental improvements to the code, adding the most value to the protocol.
Eg. Second layer solutions like LightningNetwork and FediMint allow more efficient transactions that are not involving the main blockchain till much later, and that create circular economies for communities. Also an appreciation for privacy (LN uses Tor), federation principles, and building resilient community systems (see #fedimint).
Both bitcoin and monero are of great interest to us.
We have become interested in #LightningNetwork these days after learning that it uses #Tor to connect, and is capable of using multiple LightningNodes to do a payment, ie. the node that gives you the #satoshis might not be the node that actually initiated the payment. That is impressive.
We were against LN as Layer2 bitcoin at first but there are some great use-cases (see #fediMint).
#lightningnetwork #tor #satoshis #fediMint
You can't have #reliability, #speed *and* #privacy... pick two.
Enter #bitcoin over #LightningNetwork with a #fediMint twist.
#reliability #speed #privacy #bitcoin #lightningnetwork #fediMint #banking #banks #innovation #creativedestruction
It looks like #fediBitcoinApp and #fediMint have clearly good intentions in trying to build communities that use #bitcoin.
Ideally they (#fediDotXyz) would not use servers that are Amazon and Microsoft (part of the #CAGEMAFIA), as they represent the worst of the legacy system.
FediMint require tech-savvy community leaders they call '#guardians' to manage the local federation. To what extent, 'guardians' may need to interact with fedi, including via CAGEMAFIA is unknown.
#fedibitcoinapp #fediMint #bitcoin #fediDotXYZ #cageMafia #guardians
We were curious about a project called "#Fedi", or #FediMint that apparently does multiCustody #bitcoin in a "community context, with "privacy by default". Interoperable w #LightningNetwork.
Upon visiting site, we learned it's on #MSGitHub written in Golang, and gets "generous support and donations" from #Blockstream, #ObiNwosu, #Einundzwanzig HumanRightsFoundation (#HRF), #Ten31, #Spiral.
Really just putting this out there, for the record, please don't see this as an endorsement in any way.
#fedi #fediMint #bitcoin #lightningnetwork #MSGithub #blockstream #obinwosu #einundzwanzig #hrf #ten31 #spiral
> "Introducing Fedi, the Global #Bitcoin Adoption Technology"
Bah haha!
The #fediDotXYZ website is hosted on Amazon servers and claims "increased privacy".
Further insult to injury, it has a "sign up" via email for "updates and early access" without having any PrivacyPolicy.
Says its a "#LightningWallet" (typically #LightningNetwork *is* #massSurviellance).
#bitcoin #fediDotXYZ #LightningWallet #lightningnetwork #massSurviellance #fediXYZ #fediMint #bitcoinCoreFixesThis