I just want to give a special shoutout to a couple of individuals here on Mastodon.
While I don't know many other instance admins here around the #Fediverse two that really stand out to me that I do know and look up to in a lot of ways and appreciate their friendship is @jcrabapple and @victor
These two individuals are always happy, smiling, and doing great things for their own instances and for others around them!
Show these two some love and appreciation!
#fediverse #thankyou #fediadmins #goodfolks
Salut @dt 👋
et mentions à tous les #admins #mastoAdmins et #fediAdmins ⚠️ poke @tiesselune, @tournesol, @coco et vos potes !
Je découvre à l'instant l'outil https://mnemo.social/ que tu as créé @dt disponible à tous, sur lequel je retrouve mon compte personnel 😬
Or, il ne me semble pas avoir donné un accord explicite pour pouvoir être listé sur ton service et je doute fortement que l'ensemble des personnes de mon instance aient elles aussi explicitement donné un tel accord 🤔
De plus, ta page est assez obscure car elle ne donne aucun lien pour comprendre comment fonctionne l'outil, comment faire pour s'extraire de ton listing, l'usage que tu comptes en faire etc... ⚠️
La bonne pratique il me semble en terme de gestion des données de chacun et à minima de recueillir l'accord des personnes ! Or, ce n'est pas parce que nous publions des informations publiquement sur notre serveur qu'on donne le droit à n'importe qui d'en faire n'importe quel usage, de surcroît d'en faire un listing de personnes !!! 😅
Sur notre propre serveur les personnes peuvent choisir d'apparaître ou non dans l'annuaire, d'être trouvable ou non, alors ce n'est pas pour se retrouver sur un autre annuaire public sur lequel nous n'avons pas la main 👎
Alors :
1️⃣ dans un premier temps je te demanderais de bien vouloir exclure le domaine g33ks.coffee de ton outil s'il te plaît
2️⃣ et dans un second temps je te suggère de changer la façon de récolter tes données et d'offrir la possibilité aux gens de s'inscrire, et non l'inverse
Il ne fait aucun doute que les administrateurs des autres instances vont rapidement se tourner vers toi pour faire des demandes similaires, ainsi, si tu n'es pas en capacité de réaliser rapidement le premier 1️⃣ point, et ce de façon rapide & systématique, face à la pluie de demandes qui pourrait arriver, je te suggère de couper ton service dès maintenant ❗
#admins #mastoadmins #fediadmins
Long-ish, I know. Please read and boost, anyway.
I asked the 'Verse a couple times, and no one ever responded, so I researched it myself.
#NoBot , #NoSearch , #NoIndex , etc ... these do **NOTHING** to prevent these things from happening, except in a "common courtesy" voluntary way ... and with some instances, manually enforced by proactive #FediAdmins and #Moderators.
**On the contrary**, the self-serving, data-thieving types that are inclined to write personal-data-scraping bots, are literally *more likely* to target folks with those tags in their bios, based on the reasoning that your personal data may be extra-valuable to steal.
Case in point ... there is a @yesbot@seal.cafe bot written (ironically, by some anonymous human) that explicitly searches for bios with the #nobot tag, just to tell people that it thinks (meaning, of course, the anonymous human that wrote it thinks) it is rude to use the #nobot tag, and that they should quit it.
@Gargron and other #MastoDev s ... please consider adding software-based enforcement of these kinds of tags.
Everyone else, keep using 'em, #MastoAdmin s, please require honoring these tags as a rule of your instances.
And everyone, consider blocking the @yesbot@seal.cafe (perhaps the instance it lives on, since the admin there has said they will do nothing about that bot), as well as any other "rude bots" that people identify.
#nobot #nosearch #noindex #fediadmins #moderators #mastodev #mastoadmin
There's now quite a lot of options for hosting your own Mastodon/fediverse community.
- https://masto.host
- https://fedi.monster
- https://cloudplane.org/apps
- https://toot.io/mastodon_hosting.html
- https://communick.com
- https://spacehost.live (early access)
Exciting times!
#fediverse #mastodon #selfhosted #mastoadmins #fediadmins
My take on the #CoSocialMeta chatter (personally, as a volunteer mod/admin) ...
I'm waiting to see what ACTUALLY comes of this. Yes, some missteps were already made by some #fediAdmins, and yes, I agree Meta gets no grace from us here.
But I think most of what can go wrong is already adequately addressed with the robust rules, codes of conduct, and policies that well-maintained instances have. We should continue to (de)federate based on the presented behaviour and content of users/instances.
Few days off-grids, and what you get once you're back online is a #FediDrama with people still trying to gaslight hundreds of users that found refuge here from big platforms with "#Meta is not necessarily evil" without any critical reflection on how FB, IG, and WhatsApp are in decline bc of the shitty shittier & shittiest decisions made by their CEO and his board.
#FediAdmins should take responsibility for their actions and yes, even face backfire when trying to gaslight their users
With news of the probable launch of Meta's P95 I wanted to make clear this servers policy:
"Don't preemptively strike meta w/ a fediblock, but stay vigilant with eyes wide open and a finger on the block button."
The same as we do for all servers.
They can be blocked instantly if they violate our terms of use, and as admins are in a far stronger position if we do so then vs before.
I hope all #fediadmins to consider taking this same policy. 1 of X 🧵
#fediadmins #indiewebsocial #admin
Update: bei meiner #Lemmy Instanz geht alles, Bis auf das anmelden, dann kein Email versandt klappt. scheint ein Bug zu sein. Welche Version nutzt ihr?
Mache ich nicht gerne, aber hier kann man gerne einen Instanz-Block eintragen.
Böser Content!
To other #mastoadmins and #fediadmins -> We seeing these sorts of spam accounts trying (unsuccessfully) to register at our server, and not even trying to answer our "why do you want to join question" well. So all nuked before they get to in.
But keep a lookout for accounts like these trying elsewhere.
Esp if you don't have screening questions, and accounts can be created instantly.
#fediadmins #mastoadmins #indiewebsocial #admin
@oliphant - are you aware of lists of all-you-get-is-„NSFW“-Content?
I’m not prude, but I have laws to obey and that definitely means a not safe for work tag is not enough for hardcore porn. Looking into some user reports I got, I need to find out there seems to be quite some instances whose whole purpose seems to be to host smut.
#blocklists #fediadmins #fedimins
@pinkyfloyd @LoriBrown @BlippyTheWonderSlug I don't disagree ! I guess you meant to pay the #FediAdmins who run fediverse services 🤔 ?
Hello my fellow #fediadmins,
Do you try to reach out to your inactive members ?
#fediadmins #fedipoll #fedimod #fediverse #fediadmin #communitymatters
#admins #meta #instagram #fediadmins #fediverse
Hey #MastoAdmins #FediAdmins, what are some of the ways folks can help support your instance?
Outside of donations and maybe helping with moderation.
@atomicpoet ill put here two hashtag(s) with a please to subscribers: read above please
#fediadmin #fediadmins
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins
#fediadmin #fediadmins #mastoadmin #mastoadmins
Gestern haben wir hier auf @sp_codes die Instanz mit der Domain obo.sh gesperrt.
Grund Bilder mit, vermeintlich sehr jungen Mädchen und AI Generierter Bilder die wohl gewise Fantasien anregen sollen.
Ich denke mit so einem Server will keiner föderieren.
#fediblock #fediadmins #FediMods
Had to ban the first ever spam bot from Squawk. Surprised it took that long!
Have any #fediadmins found a good way to implement decent captcha on the sign up form? Specifically one that does not collect any user data?
After the massive influx of the past months the Fediverse seem to have gained a lot of MAUs that are still active the last month. The graph is showing Mastodon, which grew from ~500.000 MAU to ~2.48 Mio MAU.
That's about two 2 Mio more Monthly Active Users than before the influx.