Wizardry Links 25: WordPress para autónomos, Tema de bloques Blue Note, ACF 6.2, Crocoblock, #FediBuzz, ChatGPT; y más
Wizardry Links es una serie semanal en la que se curan contenidos para ti, como llevamos haciendo desde principios de siglo. En este post encontrarás una nueva selección de enlaces a los artículos más interesantes publicados a lo largo de la
#fedibuzz #blogging #wizardrylinks #wordpress
8/ With this setup, you can easily consume the firehose of public content via #fedibuzz from the largest servers (eg mastodon[.]social, mstdn[.]social, universeodon). To do this, you simply spin up additional copies of the inbound UI and sidekiq services.
This setup also works well with instances that host accounts with very, very large followings. To handle that traffic, simply spin up more copies of the outbound UI and sidekiq services.
[2/2] Me he dado cuenta de que los enlaces de #FediBuzz al archivo de la etiqueta del blog de #WordPress federado se forman con "tags/loquesea" (que es el formato de #Mastodon") en lugar de "tag/loquesea" (el formato de WordPress). Yo he añadido en mi archivo htaccess la siguiente regla de redirección para solventar el problema:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^tags/(.*)$ https://www.blogpocket.com/tag/$1 [R=301,L]
#fedibuzz #wordpress #mastodon
[1/2] Vía @cavalleto descubro este directorio de etiquetas que están siendo más populares en #Mastodon (se puede filtrar por idioma). Veo que la etiqueta #WordPress es tendencia un +350% gracias a mis publicaciones aquí, en www.blogpocket.com (blog federado) y en mastodon.social.
#mastodon #wordpress #fedibuzz
Hay una web que te permite saber qué hashtags están siendo más populares en #mastodon (puedes filtrar por idioma):
🔗 https://fedi.buzz/in/es
Yo lo utilizo mucho para silenciar las más habituales y reducir el ruido que no aporta.
También para detectar spam de los vendehumos que siempre intentan hacer de cualquier RRSS su negocio.
Y claro, para descubrir etiquetas interesantes como #datocurioso
#mastodon #fedibuzz #datocurioso
@styx31 @bitbonk you (or one of you users) only need to donate a token if you want #FediBuzz to distribute content from your server. Ingesting content doesn't require a token donation.
The upcoming mastodon update will make it less comprehensive, as it will only be able to source from instances they have a token for.
Also, if you donate a token, the dev can read your private messages, so it's probably smart not to donate a token from your main account.
#FediBuzz tokens update: https://fedi.buzz/token/donate
The token has inadvertent permissions. Some of you may want to revoke the token and use a dummy account for that.
Thanks to @defnull for pointing that out to me.
Do you like #FediBuzz and would love for it to continue? I know, I'm in the same camp as you.
@astro made it possible for you to donate a token, and the page says
> We consume only the federated timeline. We don't even see boosts or replies. The permissions that we request shouldn't allow us to do anything else.
Unfortunately, that's misleading. I agree that the permissions “shouldn't allow them to do anything else", but the reality is that today, they do.
The token you're donating can read the private messages of the user that created the token.
So if you do so, make sure you trust @astro with access to your private messages and their ability to keep your token secure or create a token from an account where you don't have private messages.
If you regret donating the token, you can revoke it at /oauth/authorized_applications
I don't like the way #Mastodon devs are downplaying the importance that #FediBuzz has on small instances... but asking for tokens that can read private messages without disclosing it is wrong. And considering that the people that are aware of it are mostly admins, means that it's more likely they will have important messages on their accounts.
#fedibuzz #mastodon #relay #relays
I've found #FediBuzz to be incredibly valuable for finding content from a small Mastodon instance.
A future update to Mastodon is going to break the way #FediBuzz has worked so far. It will need an API token to authenticate with each instance to see posts on the public timeline of that instance.
Luckily, you can help out by "donating" an API token for your instance, which will make sure your instance stays visible to #FediBuzz.
This is easy and only takes a second!
@kurth @astro This is from what I THINK I know: #FediBuzz utilizes the "streaming API" coming from the majority of Mastodon servers. When the API drops out, that method is gone.
The head Mastodon devs complain FediBuzz should be a "real relay" where server owners "permit" relaying data. I'm unsure if this would work with how FediBuzz operates: sharing ONLY what people want, like tags.
Further, this "permitting" shrinks the Fediverse. Posts marked as Public **should be** Public and permitted.
@astro This is an interesting take @hackbyte, simply because we have "Mastodon" figuring out who *should* be federated with you, what content you *should* be getting (poorly), meanwhile #FediBuzz lets you explicitly define it, the opposite of algorithms. Small servers WANT to find people to talk to & Federation, as it is, is this mystical black box to the user. If I want #anime and #fuckcars (because fuck cars), Fedi's got my back. And esp. to #fuckcars, they want to know EVERYONE on their team.
#FediBuzz needs your help! Donate an API token: https://fedi.buzz/token/donate
I never implemented cross-instance hashtag following in https://combine.social because #FediBuzz exists.
It seems that Mastodon 4.2 might be killing it off.
Time to start building more tools to help #SingleUserInstance owners 💪🏼.
#fedibuzz #singleuserinstance #selfhost #mastoadmin
@jay @michael This is not killing relays, it's killing #FediBuzz. FediBuzz is a relay, you can subscribe to it, but it's a one-way subscription unlike other Relays. FediBuzz gathers data and relays it to you; the way FediBuzz's relay works, through anonymous API calls, is being removed.
So "overly reactionary" is not correct. It's exactly what is happening. That's not to say @astro can't find alternate routes to do this, but it won't be as seamless.
After using #FediBuzz to #relay Press.coop to my #instance, I thought I’d get some #news from a couple sources.
I was wrong.
I get so much #press now I couldn’t possibly read it all: upwards of 3 posts per MINUTE from sources all around the world. #Mastodon could easily be my only place for headlines.
#fedibuzz #relay #instance #news #press #mastodon
@janboehm Deine Instanz kennt - und sucht - nur postings, die ihre user schreiben oder mit denen sie interagieren (lesen, folgen, antworten, suchen). Damit sind auf Deiner Instanz vor allem Dinge zu finden, die Deine Nachbarn interessieren.
Die teilweise - technische - Lösung für Deine Frage besteht aus
- relaying (ist #ediSocial ein #relay? Warum nicht?)
- tools wie #fedifetcher u.a.
- pseudo-relays wie #fediBuzz
Meine tiny Instanz hat 23 hits für Deinen hashtag.
#edisocial #relay #fedifetcher #fedibuzz