#SilverGate started out in 1988 as deposit taking and lending assoc in #SanDiego, USA
In 2013 it began to provide infrastructure to #cryptocurrency so its assets skyrocketed.
It was the first to mediate in converting cryptos to fiat money and vice versa through Silvergate Exchange Network
In 2019 it went public so remember that Silvergate is #FeDiC regulated
In 2022 3rdQ, it declared uS$ 12 bn in deposits from 1,677 clients–crypto exchanges there–
In 2022 4thQ more than uS$ 8 bn in deposits flee
#silvergate #sandiego #fedic #cryptocurrency
Italia Film Fedic: assegnato premio alla carriera all`attore Ivano Marescotti #italia #film #fedic #assegnato #premio #carriera #allattore #ivano #marescotti #28giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmFub3ByZXNzLml0L2FydGljb2xvL2l0YWxpYS1maWxtLWZlZGljLWFzc2VnbmF0by1wcmVtaW8tYWxsYS1jYXJyaWVyYS1hbGxhdHRvcmUtaXZhbm8tbWFyZXNjb3R0aS8zNzM5MTYv
#28Giugno #marescotti #ivano #allattore #carriera #premio #assegnato #fedic #film #italia