The one advantage of #fedidrama is you can quickly go through them and a few blocks later that's whole domains of dumbasses, dogwhistle transphobes, and just plain dumbasses... Gone! Never to be heard from again 😌
I'm thinking that it would be good to develop a norm around tagging #FediDrama for any admin/instance-level controversy that those involved think just absolutely must become a public discussion. That way the rest of us could mute or block that hashtag and stay out of it.
I'm obsessed with a world without central governments (see this story ) decentralised governance powered by good algorithm, and modelled on a precolonial system of the Acholi people (nothern Uganda/southern South Sudan). When I discovered the fediverse, I re-built this world to get rid of algorithm, and every village becomes a kind of server/instance, a country of its own within the federation.
So with all this #fedidrama yo, I'm mining new material for my world😭😁
For those who were calling out #fosstodon regarding the recent #fedidrama around languages
I'm usually a few days behind on social media generally and #fedidrama in particular, so I've only just discovered that #fosstodon have quite publicly enforced their English-language-only policy *and* updated their code of conduct to allow for policing their users' behaviour on other instances.
Looks like I'm moving to as my primary instance now. Good thing I've been making regular backups of my bookmarks and follow lists on both instances, 'just in case'. As a bonus, I'm cancelling my small regular donation to Fosstodon and rolling it into my support for
But wait, there's more:
I really love all the wholesome, genuinely human interactions I see on here. And truly, I've seen more actual discussions, more "I was wrong/will reconsider", and more #humanity and understanding on the #Fedi than I recall anywhere else in years previous on the Internet.
But also... 😈 I think I love #fedidrama!
I actually think those loves might even be linked; That people can be #humane because the many varied instances can support them better individually, giving strength to be oneself.
#humanity #fedi #fedidrama #humane
En ces temps de #FédiDrama je pense qu'il est essentiel de redonner du sens
Je viens de tester pour vous, figurez-vous qu'il est possible de boire de l'eau pendant qu'on fait pipi
What’s the #Fedidrama with Eugen about? I don’t look at my phone for a few hours and all this happens.
Can you fill me in. :bo:
Or Phil me in. :80spc:
I don't have the energy for all the intense drama that a lot of the mods/members for various instances have. If you need a content warning on eyes being visible, wear a niqab. As in you wear it, I am not going to.
Food? Food is a problem? Ridiculous.
Liberal 1: "Black Lives Matter, Trans rights are human rights, we need immediate action on climate change, and down with both the patriarchy and fascism!"
Liberal 2: "Hell yeah! I agree 100%! Also we should be allowed to block instances on our own."
Liberal 1: "Excuse me? Admins should be responsible for blocking everything I personally disagree with and if you don't like it I'll just defederate with your whole instance too because you're Nazi scum."
So I'm working on starting a #Fediverse instance and I have some very cool expressions of interest, but let me tell you, this outlandish, hyperbolic #FediDrama is very discouraging. I would not be able to handle getting caught up in this type of stuff without major support.
Anyway, I feel like the only thing approaching a solution is real #DemocraticGovernance for instances big, small, and medium-sized.
What are some (technical, social) frameworks that have been tried so far?
#fediverse #fedidrama #democraticgovernance
#Fedidrama es cuando le doy rt a una imagen de mona china desde la cuenta equivocada.
#MartesDeMusicaMexicana #fedidrama
Enjambre - Siempre Tú
#MartesDeMusicaMexicana #fedidrama
Por cierto ese #fedidrama de estar entre personas de algún extremos del espectro (el que quieran) y otras con conversación así muy normal es lo que mantiene aquí.
Con ese espectro tan amplio se arman unas locas e incomprensibles buenas conversaciones.
Aquí junto andan platicando de tener reuniones con Karaoke.
Eso claramente es de personas normales y me permite reflexionar que hago aquí entre #Karaoke y reseñas de programas de TV.
#disclaimer el siguiente toot, contiene #fedidrama
Su ingesta, requiere supervisión de un adulto #musicamelancolica
Faith no more - I started a joke
#disclaimer #fedidrama #musicamelancolica
I am as yet undecided about all this #meta #fedidrama, but one thing is certain —
Meta buys things that they consider a threat to their bottom line.
No, while you cannot "buy" the ActivityPub protocol in its glorious entirety...
You can buy instance admins.
Imagine your instance suddenly tacking on a "powered by Meta" in its tagline.
Everybody has a number. What's yours?
#meta #fedidrama #p92 #threads