Shifting for a clean and positive public #music and #fedifarm / #gardening scoped account to hopefully more easily reach friends, collaborators, and projects to support.
Always on the lookout for #remote audio asset, design, remix, multimedia, technical remote paid tasks, commissions or advising. Trying to stay #zeroCovid
Disabled garlic farmer who still drums and fast bowls despite pain and specialists' concern.
Hamster sprinting in the wheel behind @radiofreefedi
kia kaha
#ZeroCOVID #remote #gardening #fedifarm #music #introduction
based on the HUGE lol poll response here is horseradish! ...and some apple leaves starting to turn, and some bonus calendula reaching for a beam of autumnal sunshine
stay vertical. garden hard!
#gardening #Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence
based on the HUGE lol poll response here is horseradish! ...and some apple leaves starting to turn, and some bonus calendula reaching for a beam of autumnal sunshine
stay vertical. garden hard!
#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence
last thing I needed today was hours of bouncing around on the tractor but sometimes you just gotta get up and move a pile of dirt from one corner of the property to another
something something parable
or um
A couple hours back, my honest intention was to slap together a shitty triangle chicken prison to get a trouble maker each out of the big houses which are stick framed lined insulated ventilated 12v and 5v powered castles. Well prison is turning out to be more of a holiday home that will also be lined (cause makes it easy to flip brush and hose clean). Oh well, can be nice recovery or isolation pad not just chicken jail.
garden hard!
this is important work. you could have worse mantras than be like bee.
garden hard! #fedifarm
ok hipsters let's see how this D.L. Hughly Couture goes. jut a few lower trenches not piling smaller stuff for loft in this low bed.
garden hard! #fedifarm #farmageddon
#florespodence from around the grounds in case you need a splash of blue and green in your day
regular reminder to be #bee friendly because in scientific, ecological and food security terms bees are rad and kick ass. the oregano rows are absolutely riotous level bee noise
some radishes hitting peak forms for both root and greens. any that go unweildly for market or us the poultry friends will happily dispatch
happily I do not have any barrels of nuclear waste but put out the vibe fedi we are doing it tomatoes...tobacco...tomatoes...tobacco...TOMACCO!
and the patch of sunflowers in one of the herb areas has broken the 3m height mark, apparently did way better than the three other field locations thru the drought
garden hard! #fedifarm #farmageddon
#Farmageddon #fedifarm #bee #florespodence
#soilspondence from around the grounds
finished seating and affixing another 3.2 metre extension to this raised bed with bowed and generally 3rd grade leftovers and re-used macrocarpa beams. first section has strawberries, middle section has asparagus book ended by sage and oregano, this section will have...?
background, mrs freak got some end of season cane trimming done early this weekend in the berry cages.
bunch of stupid mowing, oh and fun fact we had a fucking frost the other night. so that's one on right before the first day of summer and this one before the last day of summer. this one was much less damaging. drought was at least slightly broken the other day.
stay vertical out there
garden hard! #fedifarm #farmageddon
#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence
someone more eloquent or optimistic than I can subtext this. I suppose there is an allegory or a you can do it or a hang in there baby or something in it
a single sunflower bursts forth on the edge of a block of plants stunted by a violent spring, freezing then drought summer, you can see how some have just packed it in and shriveled.
be mighty like this flower
garden hard! #fedifarm #soilspondence #florasponence #gardening
#gardening #florasponence #soilspondence #fedifarm
sorry been slack on the #gardening and farm #soilspondence
between shit health, still recovering property and trying to save/stagger/extend/regrow crops from horrid spring, then early freezing summer, now drought, and with launching the wee fedi radio project, haven't really felt like doing the posts.
serious existential crises around food production and the demise of regional overlap and resiliency given everywhere seems to be wrecking crops all the time. gonna have to build more "indoor" growing space. at small scale things getting wrekt or even just limited/delayed hits ultra hard.
We bumble along. compost is being made. most of the apples survived the frosts, winds, and now drought. the greenhouse is finally kicked into high gear albeit late as hell.
first batch of cukes goes straight to fridge pickles, they wont last long.
garden Hard!
#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence #gardening
I do not want to seem inconsiderate of our cousins up north absolutely going though it but in the south we have the exact opposite. Whereas up north spuds were munted by wet, and now onions. I have been sparse online as I have been fighting everyday with minimal irrigation avail to salvage what wasn't already stunted and munted from summer frost then dry now full on drought and violent hot conditions. Mulch, shade walls and cover, spot watering, with many things harvested or harvesting what we can salvage density protection goes down and exposure increases. With rubbish health last thing I need is collapsing to heat so I'm doing 30 minutes on, 10 off, or 15 on 5 off in the shade. And doing what I can that doesn't involve immediate crop protection in the evening. Sparing a thought for anyone who cannot take cover.
The only thing on the radar of substance is a possible rain bomb on the weekend that will make things leak and damage crops on the way down (apples and pears that have made it so far), run off and not really deep soak the ground.
I am not gonna be surprised if next we hear grain is in trouble in the middle.
It's grim all over and feels like there is no more covering for each others' extreme events when they are just all the time everywhere.
I can't even sign off with my usual garden hard! in good faith. Fuck this shit. climate change is beyond mitigating REAL. I've spent a few decades with nearly one of them as a market gardener fighting, advocating and proving in the field how the people can save seed and genetic diversity. Now we gonna have to figure out how the people won't get locked out of sheltered quasi or full indoor farming because it's looking like a thing. My next field development is going to have full framing skeleton to be able to roll out walls and covers for wind, frost, sun like a pool cover. great more projects.
Stay safe out there. Hug a gardener in your bubble.
#gardening #Farmageddon #fedifarm
dunt dunt dunt dunt dun dunt
little late this year due to rubbish spring and cold start to summer (with freezes). got about 1000 pulled. another 2k to go another day. been scaling up pretty nicely over the past 4 years. It's a lot of manual labour but we just crank up the boombox and all hands on deck it. small hiccup last year with some small sized stuff but we are still self sufficient to expand each year using our own seed stock and have developed a very flavourful and well keeping stock for market throughout the year. we still have a bit of last years harvest going out in orders. this years crop is a nice mix of sizes and given the trying conditions, great success!
next step is mesh rack for a few days, then hanging in shed for a couple weeks before final brush and cut.
garden hard! #fedifarm #farmageddon #gardening
#gardening #Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence
dunt dunt dunt dunt dun dunt
little late this year due to rubbish spring and cold start to summer (with freezes). got about 1000 pulled. another 2k to go another day. been scaling up pretty nicely over the past 4 years. It's a lot of manual labour but we just crank up the boombox and all hands on deck it. small hiccup last year with some small sized stuff but we are still self sufficient to expand each year using our own seed stock and have developed a very flavourful and well keeping stock for market throughout the year. we still have a bit of last years harvest going out in orders. this years crop is a nice mix of sizes and given the trying conditions, great success!
next step is mesh rack for a few days, then hanging in shed for a couple weeks before final brush and cut.
garden hard! #fedifarm #farmageddon
#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence
I shoulda never posted the optimism a while back of some heroic grapes on their way to victory. In the ongoing and infinite saga of controlfreak cant eat a damn grape, season 6? gave us a surprise summer frost that killed off 95% of all the grapes, a few bunches on a couple vines remain. If you remember previous posts we've had rabbits eating them down to stumps, loose sheep attack breaking them all, cutting and graft transplants failing and weather stunting, knocking back or resetting the poor mini vineyard. With the heat now, there is good vine growth and training can be finalisied on the first support. Added next support wire on 2 of 4 rows and had a wee tidy up this morning. It was 30+ outside and pushing 50 in the greenhouse. Yowsa. Will prune hard this off season and maybe nek year he says again???
Garden hard! #fedifarm
In lieu of spouting or a collection system for a rather small surface area roof on a sleep out, we have a raised bed drip garden with many things for our #bees allies. Reckon that's a good deal.
Garden hard! #fedifarm #gardening
#gardening #fedifarm #bees #floraspondence
It is Tuesday my dudes
care for a bit of colour #floraspondence
for produce orders that pickup at the gate I tend to put out a bucket of little rustic bouquets for folk to help themselves or chuck an extra coin in the box if keen. this one was leftover from the other day so it's on our desk. nothing lavish, just bits from around as we always have lots of fodder for our apian allies. and as always, reminder to be bee friendly. bees kick ass!
#fedifarm #gardening #bees #floraspondence
It is Tuesday my dudes
care for a bit of colour #floraspondance
for produce orders that pickup at the gate I tend to put out a bucket of little rustic bouquets for folk to help themselves or chuck an extra coin in the box if keen. this one was leftover from the other day so it's on our desk. nothing lavish, just bits from around as we always have lots of fodder for our apian allies. and as always, reminder to be bee friendly. bees kick ass!
#fedifarm #gardening #bees #floraspondance
#soilspondence Twas an absolute scorcher today. Greenhouse hit 44 but the figs are fine! Did about 30 little field jobs today and a crappe tonne of mowing. Some highlights from a hot but bright and blue day.
These figs kill fascists!
And, did the final summer stagger plantings at the bottom of one of the outer field gardens. Spuds, zuchinni, pumpkins and melons seeded and hiding under the fresh mulch.
Garden hard! #fedifarm
Everyone wants berries xmas eve for their boring pavlovas then orders get real quiet this week. So we put up the first little batch of preserves of the summer. Delicious and two great things to report:
1. Zero spycops! #rpi :raspberry_pi:
B. kick out the jams motherfu****s :justified:
Garden hard!