^^see previous post.
@RussSharek There was no thread, more just telling people they can tag their pics with #ArtReference if they're happy for them to be used by artists for practice/inspiration, or #FediGetsDrawn for people-photos ^.^
Here's one that might work for #FediGetsDrawn!
A photo of me at my high school prom in 2006. Might be fun for drawing clothing folds?
Also just for general #ArtReference #ArtRef :)
#fedigetsdrawn #artreference #artref
Two redditgetsdrawn sketches. Still hoping #FediGetsDrawn blows up, but until then...
#pencilsketch #MastoArt #fedigetsdrawn
Rusty Rooster reminds everyone to draw more this weekend!
#mastoart #procreate #fedigetsdrawn
Here's a #FediGetsDrawn sketch. Thanks to @elliemars for the photo!
#pencilsketch #MastoArt #fedigetsdrawn
Yes, #FediGetsDrawn assumes that photos with that hashtag are free game for artistic interpretation.
@KFuentesGeorge I bookmark photos I want to draw and then message the photographer and ask if they mind if I draw their image. #FediGetsDrawn skips all that, yes?
This comes from a photoset that @doot did for #FediGetsDrawn. Let me just say, @doot takes fantastic photos, so really, shout outs to them for their photoset. Really incredible lighting, posing, and everything. I'll probably work on their whole set of 4 over the next few months. Anyway, here it is:
Apparently there is a hashtag, #FediGetsDrawn, that comes from Reddit, in which people upload photos that others can use as models or drawing practice. I really like this! I just started it, and the next post in this thread has my first #FediGetsDrawn piece of #art. Hope to see more photos, b/c I love drawing/painting, especially of people.
Hey @doot, here is my WIP so far of your #FediGetsDrawn pose. I still have a lot of work to do on it (obviously) but I felt pretty good about getting the major shapes in. Haven't done graphite in a while! This is fun!
BY THE WAY - have you ever, or have you ever been interested in participating in the #FediGetsDrawn hashtag? Short version is, people submit photos, people draw (or paint etc) them, and... I think the subject gets a copy? Your photos are absolutely ripe for artistic interpretation (I mean, they're super artistic already, but they'd be great for studies of figure drawing.
I finally finished my first #fediGetsDrawn
It's a portrait of @eveiswurzig
#krita #MastoArt #fedigetsdrawn
A nice little portrait for a very productive morning!
person: @deerphne
ref link: https://mastodon.art/@deerphne@mastodon.lol/109882448410827142
#PixelArt #MastoArt #fedigetsdrawn
Is it #MousyMonday again? Oh yes it is! These three darlings could also be models at #FediGetsDrawn, don't you think?
#miceofmastodon #fancymice #fedigetsdrawn #mousymonday
1. These are increeeedible!
2. What's "#FediGetsDrawn"? Is that a challenge to draw one of these poses? Because if so, then challenge accepted.