#switzerland is now also joining the fediverse: https://social.admin.ch/about
#switzerland #fedigov #norway #norge
Looking for ways to support Free Software in our society? Join the #FediGov campaign and get involved by sending a letter to your public administrators.
Fedigov, una campagna lanciata dal gruppo svizzero della #FreeSoftwareFoundation e da GNU/Linux.ch per spingere le istituzioni pubbliche a usare i software liberi del #Fediverso nelle loro comunicazioni con il pubblico: https://fedigov.eu/it/ Qui la notizia nel sito della #FSFE: https://fsfe.org/news/2023/news-20230109-01.it.html #Fedigov #SoftwareLibero @macfranc @PaolaCorti @euklidiadas @aborruso @ildisinformatico
#freesoftwarefoundation #fediverso #fsfe #fedigov #softwarelibero
Please encourage public institutions to join the #Fediverse and thereby use #federated #decentralized #FreeSoftware #OpenSource solutions to communicate with their people!
And yes, the best way to accomplish this, is by sending an old-school letter! #Fedigov
#fediverse #federated #decentralized #freesoftware #opensource #fedigov
"Öffentliche Institutionen zu einer souveränen #Kommunikation zu ermutigen, ist das Ziel der von der FSFE Schweiz und GNU/Linux.ch lancierten #FediGov-Kampagne, die die Öffentlichkeit auffordert, ihren lokalen Behörden die Bedeutung einer souveränen Kommunikation im öffentlichen Sektor zu erklären." Warum also nicht auch hier bei uns?
Join the #FediGov campaign to encourage public institutions to use federated Free Software solutions to communicate with their people. Ask your government to adopt ethical communications! https://fsfe.org/news/2023/news-20230109-01.html
@FraZan999 Dipende dalla politica, appunto.
In Svizzera per esempio si stanno muovendo.
Meglio tardi che mai
#fediverse #fediverso #fedigov
Initiative fedigov en Suisse:
"Les institutions publiques utilisent principalement des plateformes propriétaires telles que Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et YouTube. Les entreprises qui se trouvent derrière peuvent décider qui communique sur leurs plateformes et comment. En outre, les institutions publiques font de la publicité pour leurs services par le biais de liens proéminents et de l'utilisation de ces services et incitent les citoyens à les utiliser"