#lifehack #FediHack #bildbescheibung #AltText
Spart mühsames Abtippen:
Google Bildersuche -> Text -> auswählen -> kopieren
(Funktioniert natürlich, derzeit, nur bei Bildern mit Text)
#alttext #bildbescheibung #fedihack #lifehack
So I'm thinking of using this #mastodon account for #follow, #interactions with friends (and armpit farts), but keep my #akkoma account for long-ass posts because of the generous #characterlimit at #fedisroot (#fedihack : I can then #boost them here !)
Also, comparing interactions or local TL between a 25k users instance and a 300 users one...
Plus, Akkoma had #qt 😝 !
#mastodon #follow #interactions #akkoma #CharacterLimit #fedisroot #fedihack #boost #tootcommunity #fediverse #qt