Unser #FediMove ist nun abgeschlossen. Wir heiรen alle (neuen) Follower willkommen! ๐ง
Having spent a few hours catching up on allegations and how concerns and grievances have been handled by #Fosstodon admins so far I wonder if it's time for my first #FediMove to an instance more aligned with my values (and one that lets me emit the occasional toot in ๐ฉ๐ช).
Problem is, I don't know where to go ๐
My dream instance has always been chaos.social - any #recommendations for an #instance along similar lines?
#fosstodon #fedimove #recommendations #instance #instancerecs #boostswelcome
Here are some open instances (via admin announcements):
Note: these are just the ones I saw right away and I know there are more out there. In this case (with a grace period) you should have some time to look around at a few instances to find the best fit before joining.