As if today hasn't been annoying enough, my Chromecast is now refusing to pick up the WiFi network for the house again.
It can see the WiFi networks of about 6 neighbours, mind you. Just not the one that's transmitted from a modem literally on the other side of a wall.
And the only way to fix it, so far? Factory reset the Chromecast. Reset the router. Reconnect to the Chromecast and set it up all over again.
Without resetting the router, the Chromecast still refuses to see the network, at all.
And I haven't been able to find anything to even start troubleshooting it, because every article assumes that the WiFi network is the problem. It's not. Literally no other device has this problem - not my Android phone, not my Mum's iPhone, not any of the computers, not the other smart TV - has any trouble picking up the right WiFi network. Just the Chromecast.
Sure, it's old - but this isn't the kind of issue I'd expect to be getting if the age was the issue.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm running out of patience very fast, and close to just throwing the Chromecast in the bin and putting the TV back in the shed. #FediTechSupport #Android #Chromecast
#feditechsupport #android #chromecast