Key Milestones for #Fediverse (WIP):
1) Convene a critical mass of protocol hackers, server & client builders, instance admins and community representatives in way that can focus resources on key improvements.
2) Major instances have transparent funding mechanisms that are sufficient to cover hosting costs. Expect a few will be ad-based
3) Tumblr, Medium or another established platform adds native ActivityPub support and it works out.
Feedback requested!
#fediverse #activitypubdev #fediverseadmin
Are you an administrator of a Mastodon or other fediverse instance? Are you looking for a place to connect with other admins and share tips, tricks, and best practices? Look no further! Join our matrix chatroom for Mastodon and fediverse admins. You'll be able to troubleshoot issues, discuss new features, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the fediverse. #mastoadmin #fediadmin #MastodonAdmin #fediverseadmin
#mastoadmin #fediadmin #MastodonAdmin #fediverseadmin
Thanks to @aurynn for this good starting point. I do recommend reviewing the blocklist before copy/pasting it into your settings as there are a couple instances which appear to be blocked more out of spite than necessity (though I could see diehard Adam Curry fans being annoying shitposters), but at least half the domains are absolutely worth adding to your blocklist.
#fediblock #fediverseadmin #admin
Ich würde das Listen-Feature von Mastodon gerne mehr nutzen, mir fehlt es aber an Profilen, welche ich den Listen zuordnen kann.
Deswegen: Kennt ihr Profile aus den folgenden Kategorien, welche ich diesen jeweils zuordnen kann?
#Bildung / #FediLZ
#Ernährung (#veggie / #vegan
#Verkehrswende / #MobilitätAlsDienstleistung
#Datenschutz / #Privacy
#Comedy / #Kultur
:boost_ok: #followerpower #followerinnenpower
#journalismus #bildung #FediLZ #ernahrung #veggie #vegan #verkehrswende #mobilitatalsdienstleistung #nachhaltigkeit #politik #technik #datenschutz #privacy #itsecurity #fotografie #comedy #kultur #fediverseadmin #followerpower #followerinnenpower