He comenzado un blog en #fediverseblog con #plume adjunto el enlace de mi primera publicaci贸n. Es un resumen que escrib铆 hace tiempo sobre el art铆culo de Boris Groys acerca de c贸mo muere la figura del autor dentro del arte contemporaneo, y el proceso de democratizaci贸n del arte mismo que trasnform贸 los museos y la pr谩ctica art铆stica gan谩ndose, ir贸nicamente, el rechazo del p煤blico.
#borisgroys #bellesarts #bellasartes #arte #textos #estetica #filosofia #teoriadelarte
#fediverseblog #plume #BorisGroys #bellesarts #bellasartes #arte #textos #estetica #filosofia #teoriadelarte
anyone using #plume or #fediverseblog ?
I have all my texts in .odt format (obviously bc i write on pc) HOW can a copy all text to paste into a post?? if a Ctr+E or select all content the end-notes remain unselected, I cant select ALL notes in one move (i have to do it one by one) and always, always, i end up losing my notes' character (u know, a tiny number at the end of the sentence instead a regular size number).
#plume #fediverseblog #help #informatica #blogero #blogera #write #openoffice
There are #WriteFreely and #Plume for blogging in the fediverse. What are advantages and disadvantages of either of the two?
I鈥檓 unsure which one to try.
#writefreely #plume #blog #fediverseblog
Can anyone recommend a blogging platform that is part of the #fediverse? And which instances would you recommend? #blog #FediverseBlog
#fediverse #blog #fediverseblog