Volgende week ga ik naar de #nordunet #workshops in #Kopenhagen. Ik heb er 2 uur aan besteed om de mogelijkheden die bestaan om er heen reizen en er te verblijven tegen elkaar af te wegen.
De voor de meeste mensen voor de hand liggende optie is om met de trein (of de auto) naar #Rotterdam #AirPort of #Schiphol te gaan en dan naar #Kopenhagen te vliegen.
Ik heb op donderdag de mogelijkheid om ons #Fediversity project te presenteren rond lunchtijd. In principe zou donderdagochtend heen en…
#nordunet #workshops #kopenhagen #rotterdam #airport #schiphol #fediversity
There are Indian/Hindi* instances:
- Charcha.co (Admin: @Deus)
- india.goonj.xyz (Admin: @boop@india.gonj.xyz)
(Thank you for your work, BTW! 🧡🤍💚)
But your question is valid, as the Global South is totally underrepresented.
Mastodon is still strongly dominated by white North America and Europe. Japan has some very large instances, but there is limited interaction. Latin/South America is also growing.
With every new wave, some new regions join, I saw in the last wave entering many Turkish accounts, for example.
The network effect is a thing. We need to be welcoming to people from these places and invest some time to make the early adopters feel comfortable (e.g. by boosting them to facilitate them to find their peers).
For a more diverse Fediverse! :fediverso: :black_sparkling_heart:
#FediDiversity #GlobalCommunity #India #Hindi #Fediversity #GlobalSouth
*As you asked for Hindus, I unsure whether you are interested in followers of the religion or people from India.
#fedidiversity #globalcommunity #india #hindi #fediversity #GlobalSouth
@asayeed Groups work rather well, in my flow, but you are right about the hash tags.
#chatting @perspektivbrocken
Welcome to #Discourse on the #Fediverse 🎉
The #SocialHub development community has installed the brand new #ActivityPub plugin on their forum.
To test the functionality of the plugin, two forum categories federate their first topic post to a group you can follow. They are:
#Fediversity category with @fediverse
See also: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/welcome-discourse-to-the-fediverse/3275
FEP forum topics are where Fediverse enhancement proposal are discussed. For list of FEP's see:
#discourse #fediverse #socialhub #activitypub #fediversity #FEP
I guess I never did an #introduction post when I arrived here, so… hi! I’m a #Quebec musician, artist, tech creator involved in #videography, #photography, #MusicTechnology , #webdev, #francais, #musiquetraditionnelle, #patrimoineimmatériel, #documentary, #architecture, #AI, #intellectualproperty and lots more. So happy to be part of this bright new place of #fediversity and making completely new connections! 💜
#introduction #quebec #videography #photography #musictechnology #webdev #francais #musiquetraditionnelle #patrimoineimmateriel #documentary #architecture #AI #intellectualproperty #fediversity
Shift the focus from project branding to community branding. This means giving more control and autonomy to the communities that run and use the instances, allowing them to create their own branding and identities to reflect the needs and values of their specific communities.
We could implement more standardized branding guidelines across all #fediversity projects, to create a more cohesive and unified look and feel.
toot·e·lage /ˈto͞otəlij/ noun: help, advice, or teaching about how to belong in #Mastodon; necessary in getting through their first months in #Fediversity
Genuine question for #johnmastodon: Where is the diversity, and how do we amplify #majorityworld, #BIPOC, and #diverse voices?
I need to listen more than I speak. I call this #fediversity.
#askgoodquestions #Fediverse #joinin #fediversity #diverse #bipoc #majorityworld #johnmastodon
With this in mind, think about our BRANDING
“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers” (American Marketing Association).
Is this what the #openweb is for? If it is not (AND IT IS NOT) why do all #fediversity projects have strong “individualistic” BRANDING.
Diese Plattform ist schon lange ein wundervoller, dezentraler Ort der Vielen.
Ihr habt ihn nur erst jetzt (für euch) entdeckt.
#mastodon #fediverse #fediversity
Oh no, #Twitter refugees will suffer seizure upon reading your VERY OFFICIAL statement.
Ouch, #FakeNews hit the fan. What can we doooooooo?
Then follow where your friends are going, that's probably a good first choice, you can always settle somewhere else later on.
Welcome and enjoy #Fediversity!
#twitter #fakenews #fediversity