@witchescauldron hi! What exactly is the #geekproblem ? Im new here, but chrupiÄ… about the #fediworlds
#FediWorlds day 10
Among different families who interact often, it is very common for people to pick up descriptive epithets, "the big nosed-Spinner", "the tall one", etc. This makes identifying people easier since there will usually be multiple "Near-adults of the Silent Spinner family"
#FediWorlds day 10
"Do people's names reflect their relationships - parents, spouse?"
Personal names are based on the first thing the Cenn sees after the child is born. Among the families they are private and rarely shared with anyone outside the family. That family-less use personal names is 'evidence' of their low class.
Public names aren't names as-such, they are family designations based on generation. So a teenager might introduce themself as 'Near-adult of the Silent Spinner family'
#FediWorlds day 9
In rural areas family-less have few options, generally they can try to take service with a family, to try to make a life on their own as best they can, to travel to the nearest city.
In the cities, the family-less have their own society in the shadows of the 'respectable' city. They usually survive by doing 'day-work', manual labor either for the city or a family. Often they will form single-generation unofficial marriage groups for mutual support and comfort
#FediWorlds day 9
There are two or three ways to become family-less: to not be accepted into any marriage group, to be born to a family-less Cenn, or to be the last of a family that dies out.
That last is a grey area, technically family-last and not family-less, but they are often treated as such, especially in cities where a single person simply can't fulfill the many political and economic expectations placed on a family.
#fediworlds #WIPWorldBuilders #plantinglife
Playing catch up -- #FediWorlds day 9
"How are outcasts treated in your world? How's one become one?"
Most outcasts are family-less, people who don't belong to a family.
This is mostly a problem in the cities, as in rural areas a group of family-less can come together to create a new family any time they choose to. So in rural areas the only family-less are generally people no one wants to be with.
#fediworlds #WIPWorldBuilders #plantinglife
#FediWorlds Day 5
And if a group of people wanted to create a new family, they just did it.
As cities developed, a families specialized more to the point that each family eventually was defined by the trade it practiced. And the nature of the restricted space in cities and the developing city governments meant families needed to city approval to become residents of the city. In time this evolved to needing city approval to form a new family.
#fediworlds #worldbuilding #plantinglife
#FediWorlds Day 5
"How have family relationships
changed over time?"
The two big changes have been the family is tied to trade and the difficulty in creating new families. These changes are connected to each other and to the rise of large towns and cities.
Among nomadic families and in small villages, a family might be known for a certain speciality or focus -- this family has a special way of dying clothing, that family prefers deep sea fishing, etc.
#fediworlds #worldbuilding #plantinglife
#FediWorlds Day 4
"Do people form groups with people that are their same age or not?"
Sort of yes. The main social group for everyone except priests is the marriage group. A marriage group needs to be from the same generation, and ideally across a smaller age range. 10 years is considered ideal. So not the exact same age, but within the same age range.
#fediworlds #worldbuilding #plantinglife
Smaller marriage groups are usually more cohesive with everyone cheerleading everyone else.
#fediworlds #worldbuilding #plantinglife
#FediWorlds Day 2
"Who's expected to be someone's cheerleader? Their partner? Parent?"
A grandparent takes primary responsibility for each kid from the time they start crawling. This grandparent, their 'Baba' or 'Papa', is their main cheerleader until they are married or the Baba dies.
Within a large marriage group (7+), it's common & expected for individuals to form stronger pair bonds within the group, and those they bond closely with are their cheerleaders.
#fediworlds #worldbuilding #plantinglife
Day 2
Are leisure activities commonly done in groups, pairs, alone?
Usually small groups, especially for inter-family stuff. Many families have leisure time that the whole family shares together, telling stories or singing together in the evening type stuff.
Playing catch up:
The Federated Worlds #WorldBuilding Challenge
Day 1
Who are you?
Um, hi? I hate righting introductions?
I'll be using #plantinglife , my bronze age low fantasy with about a group of strangers coming together to create a family.
What fictional relationship "feels"
like your world/#conlang?
LOL, I am horrible at this kind of abstract thing. I have no idea.
#worldbuilding #plantinglife #fediworlds