🥥 So as not to overwhelm the #Fediverse and because I'm lazy AF, I only recommend one #Fedizen per day.
Today's lucky winner is @lowqualityfacts.
Not only is Low a provider of "facts" of dubious quality, he/she/they painstakingly illustrate each fact with a hand-crafted original work of art that looks deceptively naive in a folk-art kind of way.
If YOU'RE capable of appreciating this level of sophistication, #Follow Low, and tell him/her/them that Crazy Phil the coconut guy sent you. 🥥
🥥 Damnit, Stefan, I'm a shitposter, not a good #Fedizen!
I finally got that I'm supposed to say #Fediverse instead of #Mastodon, and now you want me to obsess about "in" versus "on."
And I'll thank you kindly to overlook the fact that I used to boost my own toots, you're welcome.
On the other hand, yours is an informative post. Thank you and propz. 🥥
“Almost every influencer will be hopping in Threads”
I think I speak for every #Fedizen when I say I hope they enjoy themselves there.
"Reporting and then blocking extremists is a duty of every #Fedizen."
The problem with reporting everything is that -- unless you specifically know without any doubt that the post violates the written Terms-Of-Service on one or both instances (the sending and the receiving), you're just dumping more work into to the laps of moderators who are probably overworked anyway
Mute and Block and move on with life
Don't make unnecessary work for the mods
cc @jerry