Guten Morgen, liebe #Fedizens,
Ich hoffe Ihr habt einen guten Start in den Tag! 🌻🍀
Gestern war für einen Urlaubstag eher zu stressig, ich hoffe heute wird besser da ich einen ganz lieben Menschen (und einen ganz kleinen, neuen Menschen) besuche... ☺️🥰
Kann zu gestern nur sagen, hochgradig pflegebedürftige / #multimorbide Angehörige sind eine echte Herausforderung, in vielerlei Hinsicht... 🙄😑
Das System ist meistens gegen Dich. ☹️
Seit heute morgen sind sämtliche #Dienste der #Hochschule Düsseldorf (#HSD) nicht erreichbar. Auch deren eigene #Status-Seite für die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Dienste auf lässt sich nicht aufrufen. Könnte das Nachwirkungen des #Storm0558 Hacks auf die #AzureCloud sein?
Jedenfalls wirkt es wie ein #GAU und nicht geplant. Bitte teilt diesen Toot, um andere #Fedizens zu informieren und verweist auch in anderen Plattformen auf diesen Hinweis oder gibt es woanders schon offizielle Meldungen zur Sachlage?
#denialofservice #hack #hsduesseldorf #fedizens #gau #azurecloud #storm0558 #status #HSD #hochschule #dienste
Seit heute morgen sind sämtliche #Dienste der #Hochschule Düsseldorf (#HSD) nicht erreichbar. Auch deren eigene #Status-Seite für die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Dienste auf lässt sich nicht aufrufen. Könnte das Nachwirkungen des #Storm0558 Hacks auf die #AzureCloud sein?
Jedenfalls wirkt es wie ein #GAU und nicht geplant. Bitte teilt diesen Toot, um andere #Fedizens zu informieren und verweist auch in anderen Plattformen auf diesen Hinweis oder gibt es woanders schon offizielle Meldungen zur Sachlage?
#denialofservice #hack #hsdusseldorf #fedizens #gau #azurecloud #storm0558 #status #HSD #hochschule #dienste
Part of unleashing the concept of personal freedoms, is dependent upon the notion of personal infrastructure.
The IBM 5150 Personal Computer w/64K of RAM on the motherboard and a DIN connector interfacing a cassette deck with Microsoft ROM BASIC was one such innovation (as opposed to S-100's) that brought such freedoms to people in 1981.
Now, we enable #Fedizens to migrate from #deprecated silo mindsets to that of the #smolweb...
Thank you #dansup!
#fedizens #deprecated #smolweb #dansup #tallship #foss
Hey #Fedizens, good morning! It's definitely been a while since I have checked in. It has just been busy at work, and I've just been worn out.
I've also felt just like distancing myself from social media for a while. It has been good to disconnect for these past few days. Just to focus on me, my family, etc.
I also just slept most of the weekend.
How is everyone?
Einen wunderschönen #gutenmorgen , liebe #fedizens! 🥰
Heute ist ein schöner Tag.
Habt es schnuffig. 🌿🌾
Erstmal #espresso! 😋☕
#gutenmorgen #fedizens #espresso
Good morning and happy Wednesday #Fedizens.
Let's kick off our day with the #KoffeeWithKyle chat. For today's chat, what tasks are you working on? Anything you've been waiting to finish but have been putting off? Maybe you can get that done before the day is over?
For me, I just have work, per usual. I am going to be taking a certification exam sometime today. I also have been trying to get a client onboarding checklist complied so maybe I can get that done.
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happywednesday
Good morning and happy Monday #Fedizens. It’s another week.
Time for our #KoffeeWithKyle chat. Let me know what your plans are for the week ahead. Anything interesting on the agenda?
It’s just the usual work stuff for me. I have a webinar today for work about an upcoming update to the RMM software we use. Tomorrow the kids go back to school so that’ll be fun.
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happymonday #newweek #newstart
Has anyone successfully setup #BTCPayServer to federate over #I2P network, rather than than Tor?
From this resource it would appear not:
While on the topic of #federated systems, aren't #bitcoiners embarrassed that they're on the invasive #MSGitHub platform? This question extends to #fedizens who list the #MicroShaft forge prominently in their bio.
The sooner we use alternative #forges day-to-day, or move to something like #ForgeFed the better.
#btcpayserver #i2p #federated #bitcoiners #MSGithub #fedizens #microshaft #forges #forgefed
Good morning and happy Wednesday #Fedizens!
Let’s begin the day with our usual #KoffeeWithKyle chat. Tell me about your day and what you hope to accomplish.
For me, it is just work stuff as per every week day. At least it is something that I love doing and not some mundane job. Then tonight will just be relaxing and winding down.
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happywednesday #humpday
Good morning and happy Friday #Fedizens! It's the weekend!
I am a little late for our #KoffeeWithKyle today. I am not feeling well :(. For our chat today, let's discuss what our plans our for this weekend. Anything interesting in your agenda?
For me, nothing much plans which seems to be the usual as of late. I will just take it as it comes. :)
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happyfriday #happyweekend
Good morning and happy Tuesday #Fedizens.
For today’s #KoffeeWithKyle chat, let’s discuss how we learned the knowledge we use in our jobs. Our we self taught, go to college, etc.? Let me know!
I am solely self taught. Everything I know, web development, software development, IT work, all has been self learned. I just get out there and learn it. I want to know, I take the effort to learn it.
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happytuesday
Hey good job on using some #.
May I recommend writing a #introduction and including #AureFreePress #Journalist and #Journalism there.
@Flipboard likes to maintain a directory of journalists so #Fedizens can find sources that they find of interest.
I'm not a US citizen so I don't need your work but I hope this helps. 😀
#introduction #aurefreepress #journalist #journalism #fedizens
Ach wisst ihr was? Ich dreh mich jetzt um und schlaf noch ne Runde weiter.
Einfach nur #weilichskann ! 😃
Bis später, #Fedizens!
Good morning and happy Monday #Fedizens.
I want to take this #KoffeeWithKyle moment to let every one of my followers and friends here know that I appreciate each and every one of you. Y’all have made this place enjoyable and worth while. 🫶🏼
With that said, I’m going to be taking a while away from social media to reset and focus on my #MentalHealth. Sort of defrag/purge my mind so to say. I will be back though, so don’t go disappearing. 😉
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #mentalhealth #goodmorning #happymonday #muchlove
Good morning and happy Saturday #Fedizens.
Let’s gather for our #KoffeeWithKyle and chat about our plans for the weekend. What are you doing with your weekend?
This morning I have some ministry work to do. After that, nothing much for the day. Tomorrow is the same way, not much. Probably just relaxing.
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #goodmorning #happysaturday #happyweekend
A very interesting poll and a (to me) surprise result so far. I was in the 'nope' category and after seeing the 'yup' category was considerably ahead I did my own poll of friends IRL.
As I guessed none had ever interacted with Wikipedia other than as a regular consumer (in both senses). None of them as yet (sadly!) are #fedizens but all are 'good peeps'.
So perhaps the poll is also very revealing about the kinds of people in the #fediverse aside from #wikipedia interaction.
#fedizens #fediverse #wikipedia
7. Engagement for small accounts on #Threads is dismal. The algorithm probably still favors the bigger / verified accounts. Or maybe it has become harder to get seen as the number of users has exploded quickly.
In contrast, when I joined the Fediverse, it was not that hard to get engagement from fellow #Fedizens (if that's even a term here). 😉
Or maybe it's just me, hi, I'm the problem it's me. Maybe my posts are not aesthetic / interesting enough over there. 🤣
Good morning and happy Sunday #Fedizens.
For our #KoffeeWithKyle chat this morning, let’s discuss the plans we have for the remainder of the weekend and what you’ve accomplished this weekend.
Currently I’m watching the #BritishGP and just waking up with my coffee per usual. Nothing else planned today. This weekend was pretty much just relaxing so I’d say it was accomplished. 😉
#fedizens #koffeewithkyle #britishgp #goodmorning #happysunday