Removing the unwanted Konsole toolbar - antek's tech blog #kde #konsole #fedora34
Tenía en un pendrive #Fedora31 resolvió los problemas que tenía se conexión a internet, que presente con #debian10 y #triskel9. Pero quiero actualizar al #fedora34 usando la terminal con los comandos dnf upgrade --refreshs. Luego el releserver=34 y cuando se ejecuta el dnf system-upgrade reboot. Indica que no se puede completar la actualización. Ahora pruebo la versión gráfica haber si logra hacerlo
#Fedora31 #debian10 #triskel9 #fedora34
Currently trying #fedora34 Maybe the first time #gnome makes sense to me. Pretty sleek. It's my first time with Wayland. Pretty excited. Here are some highlights:
Also available on #Fedora34 via dnf, but not in the software store: MeshLab for viewing 3d STL files.
I have discovered a bugbear with #Fedora34. With #KDE, it uses the #discover #updater and for some bizarre reason, that requires the system to restart even for #software that doesn’t need a system restart. That seems very wasteful of time. I think I’ll just use #dnf on the #CommandLine in future.
#fedora34 #kde #discover #updater #software #dnf #commandline #gnu #linux #fedora #f34
#Upgraded to #Fedora34 overnight. The process went smoothly and quicker than my past few. My desktop defaulted to #Plasma #Wayland, as I use #KDE but there are still a few issues with that. The #X11 version is fine for now.
#upgraded #fedora34 #plasma #wayland #kde #x11 #gnu #linux #fedora #f34
Decides to spend the rest of the afternoon on a clean install of #fedora34 on his desktop machine. :fedora: :linux:
So, I tried #fedora34 today and I didn't expect to be disappointed, but here I am. I don't like #gnome40, in fact it is making me consider a different distro and different DE for a laptop that I have that currently runs Fedora. Lately, #arch with the #lts kernel has really been my favorite. But, I don't want 2 machines with the same distro. So, the search for another distro continues. I think #linuxlite may be a contender.
#fedora34 #GNOME40 #arch #lts #linuxlite
Upgrade auf #Fedora34 lief geschmeidig. #GNOME40 ist... anders! Aber fühlt sich trotzdem gut an.
Nichtsdestotrotz hat es für 'hot corner' User wie mich einen gravierenden Designfehler: Das Dock ist jetzt unten und der Weg auf einem 21:9 Monitor von der linken oberen Ecke zur unteren Bildschirmmitte ist enorm.
Zum Glück gibt's Abhilfe:
Die Extension macht die obere linke Ecke zur gesamten unteren Kante...
Looks like Wayland on #Fedora34 boxes using Nvidia GPU's, it's, uh, pretty buggy. Great if you want to RP as Doctor Strange I guess, otherwise stick to x11 sessions until 470 drivers come out. AMD GPU boxes have no issues.
What am I doing right now you ask? Nothing much.
I can hardly wait for #fedora34 with #gnome40 🤓
GNOME's Mutter 40 Alpha Released With Big Improvements - Phoronix