Pues regrese a donde no me falla casi nunca nada, pero esta vez optando por usar una versión antes, es decir #Fedora37.
#fedora37 #viernesdeescritorio #escritoriognulinux #fedora #gnulinux
¿Cúal sistema operativo utilizo y qué equipo tengo?.
R/: risiOS basado en #Fedora37 y mi equipo es realmente básico, sin embargo, corre sin problema!.
Ya quedo... #LibreOffice 7.5.2 con ese #ModoDark instalado en español en #Fedora37 por terminal.
#libreoffice #mododark #fedora37
okay newbie question for the #Fedora37
How do I change my superuser password?
@danirabbit it's happening!! ♥️🍻🕺
Saying goodbye (possibly forever) to #macOS, saying hello to @elementary on my late 2014 #mac #macmini. The "elementary mini" shall join the ranks of my five other Linux devices: my gaming PC "big rig" (#kdeneon ), my "main laptop" (#ubuntustudio ), my two "backup laptops" (running #manjaro Xfce and #Fedora37 Xfce respectively, and configured to look like #windows95 and #macos9 respectively), and of course, the #SteamDeck (with, #steamos)!
6 devices, all running various #distros of #linux - 3 #ubuntu based, 2 #archlinux based, 1 #fedora. And 3 with #KDE, 2 with #Xfce, and 1 with #pantheon, but with asymmetrical distribution! All six will play some degree or another of a role in the production and distribution of the #podcast!
Looking forward to getting to explore and delve into #elementary !! Hopefully I'll have some updates soon!! 🍻
#macos #Mac #macmini #kdeneon #ubuntustudio #manjaro #fedora37 #windows95 #macos9 #SteamDeck #steamos #distros #linux #ubuntu #archlinux #fedora #kde #xfce #pantheon #Podcast #elementary
qu'est-ce que se passe:
A la théorie
sur certains sites ca s'affiche pas comme il faut ???
Notamment sur google..
@KekunPlazas bonjour,
je me demandes si tu utilises aussi les lenovo avec ecran tactile, j'ai une #fedora37 workstation et l'ecrand de la tablette est endommagé ce qui produit des fausses entrées, c'est possible de desactiver l'ecran tactile ?
je ne sais même pas ou chercher, dsl
@thelinuxcast It's been 5 or 6 days without distro hopping on my laptop, amen! #Fedora37
Upgraded to #Fedora37 and #Gnome43 without a hitch. All is very smooth and easy to use. Go here to upgrade https://getfedora.org
Last night I upgraded from #Fedora 36 to 37 and everything went well.
Nothing too unusual: using LUKS + 2 btrfs subvolumes for / and /home, Awesome WM, Intel graphics.
The only package with a problem is starship which was removed as unmaintained:
The build from source with cargo failed too due to a dependency not working on Rust 1.65.0 but the prebuilt executable works: https://starship.rs/
Another update with my fedora37. I made video series testing out some uvc capture cards and one of the issues I came I was having dropped frames on my pops install on the laptop.
Same hardware, now with fedora, no frame dropping at 60. I'm wondering if Wayland on pops was to play for that (using org for compatibility reasons).
Either way this switch seems to be working out well. I'll let you know if I hit a wall down the line.
Okay setting up fedora37 has been a pleasant experience so far after my heart attack with the graphics card driver’s installation (thanks nvidia Optimus turned out all needed was to wait for kernel to rebuilt after boot I think). Just adding some tweaks to make the desktop mine now. So far it’s been running better than when I was using popos but that could be for any number of reason for this 2014 laptop.
#fedora37 #fedora #linux #nvidia