Werte Kollegen. Habe bei einem Freund #Fedora 38 Workstation installiert, lief auch alles soweit einwandfrei. Nur Firefox zickt herum. Nach gefühlten 5 Sek. kommt die Meldungen: Anwendungen reagiert nicht, warten oder beenden.
Brave läuft, Librewolf läuft, Firefox nicht !? hat jemand von euch eine Idee an was das liegen könnte ?
#fedora #fedora38 #linux @fedora@fosstodon.org @fedora@lemmy.ml @fedora@mastodon.social @LinuxGuides
@freechelmi I have only used #fedora38 so far but according to this @itsfoss article, you can upgrade to a newer version in one click. If this is the case, i should be able to upgrade to #fedora39 when it comes out.
Finally got my hardware issues with the PC at home worked out. That box definitely lived up to its namesake (Marvin, as in the paranoid android from Hitchhiker's Guide) but it looks to be running fine now. First big test was moving to #Fedora38 (#KDEPlasma spin, of course) and it worked like a charm.
I'm happily back in my favorite OS, and all it took was a month of downtime and 3 separate RMAs, lol.
So my computer is overheating and one core is at 99% utility because of *checks notes* gnome-clocks. WTF?
#gnome #gnomeshell #fedora #fedora38 #linux
#linux #fedora38 #fedora #gnomeshell #gnome
Antes de cambiarme a fedora, usaba entre mis app habituales, linssid y ipscan. Y ahora en fedora no estan empaquetadas en rpm y tampoco en flatpack. solo se puede uar paqueteria APT. no se si habra alternativas a estas, llevo un bune rato buscando y no veo nada . si alguin sabe y me puede ayudar lo agradeceria.
Bien bien cool #fedora38 je suis conquis.
#fedora38 #worklikeacharm #fedora #gnulinux
Sorry, not sorry.
Definitivamente hay que no tener #Mac para usar #Linux. Será cuando ha esta computadora muera para bien o cuando alguna cosa pase que haré la transición de lleno.
Por alguna razón no podía actualizar #Fedora38 ni con el Software Centre ni con la Terminal. Si lo hacía con el primero se mandaba a reiniciar y no se instalaba nada, si lo hacía con el segundo entraba en un bucle extraño de shells y me empezaba a comer toda la RAM. Los del foro y chat no cachaban qué hacer.
Innocent old me. It’s been years since I have even thought about /etc/X11/xorg.conf and I thought I never would have to again. Wrong.
Today I updated Fedora Linux on my PPC workstation and on reboot, I had lost my GUI login. That turned out to be because the systemd gdm.service had failed, because the X server had failed, because… well, because it had no conf file.
These days you’re not supposed to need one (it’s meant to auto-detect stuff during boot) but after the updates, this install needed one.
I generated one with the Xorg command, and while that command errored out, it seemed to generate a complete-looking config file. With fingers crossed I dropped it into place and rebooted and it Just Worked[tm].
Not a fun thing to debug, but I am glad to have solved it.
#linux #fedora38 #power9 #xorg
#linux #fedora38 #power9 #xorg
E) If I were to go through the trouble of reporting, would I hear back anything but, in 12 months time, that "fedora X is going eol. If you still can reproduce the bug in fedora X+2, please create a new report against fedora X+2.
#TimjanGrumpsOnComputers #fedora38 #kdeplasma
Ganzen Tag in VMs rumgespielt: #Ubuntu2004, #Ubuntu2204, #PopOs2204, #Fedora36, #Fedora38 und #debiantesting in einem Multi-Boot Setup von #Grub auf #SystemdBoot umgestellt. 🥵
Verschiedene Problemchen dabei angetroffen, bis es am Ende funktioniert hat 🫡
Am Ende voll confident mein Prod-System (F38) umgestellt.
Bootet 🥳
- Alles Grub zeugs entfernt
- #EFI-Booteinträge aufgeräumt (efibootmgr)
*zack*, bootet nicht mehr 😑
Auf den letzten Metern doch noch nen LiveSystem gebraucht 🫠
#ubuntu2004 #ubuntu2204 #PopOS2204 #Fedora36 #fedora38 #debiantesting #grub #systemdboot #efi
My #LinuxGaming system. #fedora38 #Hyprland #unixporn #linux #linuxrice
#linuxrice #Linux #unixporn #Hyprland #fedora38 #LinuxGaming
Good morning #mastodon ☀️
Today I thought to finish installing the #nvidia drivers on #fedora before going to work. So far this feels really/mostly stable!
Gonna try to get the console + grub resolution fixed when i get the chance, but so far so good 🤞🏼
#mastodon #nvidia #fedora #fedoralinux #fedora38 #linux #grub2 #rtx
Currently upgrading NVIDIA drivers, as i just made the temporary (or possibly permanent switch) from #archlinux to #fedora. So far i love how simple encryption is, let’s see how this goes!
#archlinux #fedora #fedora38 #linux #nvidia
Are other #fedora38 #silverblue users experiencing major #AMD APU screen flickering and tearing after upgrading from kernel 6.12 to 6.13? I suspect it has been reported already, but would I start the Red Hat Bugzilla?
Sadly, #fedora38 doesn't play nicely on my #MacBookPro 2010. #Fedora36 worked out of the box (once RPMfusion was installed!) #Apple left my Mac behind years ago hence switching to #Linux but it seems it's goodbye to Fedora too! Fear not, #Linuxmint saves the day! It may be Windows-Like but I was going off #Gnome44 anyway. It's Rock-Solid, fast, built-in #Flatpak and has no problem powering a large external display! Good job @linuxmint
#fedora38 #MacBookPro #Fedora36 #apple #linux #linuxmint #flatpak #gnome44