Up next at Flock... #Fedora #FlockToFedora #FlockIreland #FedoraServer #Toolbx
Fedora Server - where we are going: https://sched.co/1Or6F
State of Toolbx Project: https://sched.co/1Or7D
#fedora #flocktofedora #flockireland #fedoraserver #toolbx
Pues bien, el día ha estado muy tranquilo y aburrido en el trabajo, así que me la he pasado viendo vídeos al respecto de servidores caseros, alternativas y así. Y creo que me decantare con #Debian más #CasaOS. Ahorita tengo #FedoraServer y #Docker así al pelo, pero creo que CasaOS hará mi experiencia muchísimo más sencilla
#debian #casaos #fedoraserver #docker #homeserver #CloudflareTunnels
hey #fedora #server #fedoraserver folks! I'm floating the idea of possibly dropping #activedirectory client support from the Fedora release criteria (so it'd still be there, but we wouldn't be required to test it every cycle and block the release if it fails). I'm looking for input.
is it a feature of Fedora you value? is it important enough to spend significant time automating (or continuing to test manually)?
thoughts here, or at https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/server@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/VKTFTPD5SXYX7YLRU7LFVWKYKKJL5H56/ , or https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-server-front-page-revamp-looking-for-feedback/79037/9
#fedora #server #fedoraserver #activedirectory
Thanks to everyone who responded to the poll! Very interesting to see even though it does shake out roughly how we expected. Use of Fedora Server is still pretty high!
@dschier wrote a neat blog series on setting up a home server. He uses Fedora Server, but you can probably extrapolate for the distro you would like to use. Check it out!
#fedora #fedoraserver #linux #server
Planning to try #Fedora server mainly for #BTRFS. I've always used #Debian or #Ubuntu for my personal servers. BTRFS is one of my favorite Linux file systems esp for #NAS and backups.
It is possible to manually install btrfs on Debian/Ubuntu but involves a manual process (unless there is something I am missing). Fedora uses BTRFS by default so planning to try that out on one of the backup machines and see how it goes. Any thoughts?
#FedoraServer #DebianServer #UbuntuServer #BTRFS #EXT4 #Linux
#Fedora #btrfs #debian #ubuntu #nas #fedoraserver #debianserver #ubuntuserver #ext4 #linux
Nouvel article de #blog :
"Installer Unbound en complément de Pi-Hole"
🔗 https://mathdatech.fr/posts/2023/03/12/installer-unbound-en-complement-de-pihole/
#blog #pihole #homelab #dns #unbound #fedora #fedoraserver
Nouvel article de #blog :
Installer un serveur homelab
#autopromo #fedora #fedoraserver #lms #logitech #pihole #logitechmediaserver
#blog #autopromo #fedora #fedoraserver #lms #Logitech #pihole #logitechmediaserver
Maybe a silly question, but why doesn't #FedoraServer use Btrfs? Sounds like the perfect candidate for it?
#fedoraserver #fedora #btrfs #linux
Installed Fedora Server on my 2008 MacBook Pro, but only realized after that it's pre-USB 3 tech. I have a 500gb FireWire 400 drive, so maybe I'll spin that up as more storage and use it as a game ROM and RPG PDF server. The internal hard drive is only 250gb, but maybe I could put a larger drive in that FireWire enclosure. I don't know if FireWire 400 is fast enough for something like Jellyfin media server or not.
#jellyfin #Firewire400 #fedoraserver
Last week I decided to switch my #RaspberryPi4 to #FedoraServer. Once I used #Cockpit for managing it via a Web UI for the first time, I don’t think I could go back. Oh boy do I feel like playing with this. I wonder how much performance I could get when running #containers…
#containers #cockpit #fedoraserver #raspberrypi4
And, to complete the world's most boring thread... Fedora 37 is now installed and everything looks great. MATE is there. All my apps are there. VMs look great. ZFS is working. Samba is up.
I update my workstations in step with current, but was, for some reason, more nervous about my server. Painless.
Thanks to everyone who gave me the 'ol internet thumbs up!
#Fedora37 #fedoraserver #zfs #fedora
Question for the room:
I have a server running Fedora 35. Safe to go from 35 right to 37? Should I step through 36? Should I just wipe and reload?
I'm 100% prepared to do a clean install, just wondering if this is easier, or possibly more fun 😅
It's for my homelab, so it's not exactly mission critical.
#fedora #Fedora37 #fedoraserver #homelab
How To Upgrade To Fedora 37 From Fedora 36 [Workstation And Server] #Fedora37 #Upgradefedora #FedoraWorkstation #FedoraServer #Linux
#Linux #fedoraserver #FedoraWorkstation #UpgradeFedora #Fedora37
It'll have to wait until tonight I'm afraid, but right now I can't seem to reach my #FedoraServer over the network 😨
Luckily I haven't put anything critical on it, *yet*!
#fedoraserver #homelab #selfhosted
I decided to install my #FedoraServer on my #NAS
I wanted to install the one based on #Fedora37 but it failed, so going with #Fedora36 for now.
#fedoraserver #nas #Fedora37 #Fedora36 #homelab #selfhosted #SysAdminByNight
I don't know why I've never considered #FedoraServer before, but now that I'm running #Fedora #LXQt on my personal laptop it would be a logical choice.
Especially after watching #TechHut doing a video about it (but he could've mentioned something about it in its title); Laptops make GREAT Linux Servers (TechHut) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxvFuGnjoJo
#fedoraserver #fedora #lxqt #TechHut