Digitalcourage e.V. · @digitalcourage
38645 followers · 7773 posts · Server

@paun @netzpolitik_feed

Wir könnten auf dieser Mastodon-Instanz Elasticsearch installieren. Das ist dann aber immer noch (gewollt) eine sehr eingeschränkte Suche:

„Mastodon supports full-text search when ElasticSearch is available. Mastodon’s full-text search allows logged in users to find results from their own statuses, their mentions, their favourites, and their bookmarks. It deliberately does not allow searching for arbitrary strings in the entire database.“

Versuche, fediverseweite Suchmaschinen aufzubauen, gibt es immer wieder. Technisch ist das (bis zu einem gewissen Grad) machbar, aber es gibt heftigen Widerstand von Menschen, die dagegen sind. Sie wünschen sich ein flüchtiges Fediverse – zumindest für ihre eigenen Beiträge. Darum hat das Internet Archive seine Pläne aufgegeben, das Fediverse zu archivieren. Zuletzt hat die Suchmaschine aufgegeben:

Diese Debatten sind noch nicht abgeschlossen. Wir führen sie gern hier & intern. /c


Last updated 2 years ago

Nutcracker · @nutcracker
55 followers · 104 posts · Server


I missed the controversy, of but I can't understand for the life of me why Mastodon can't have a feature for accounts to mark themselves for their posts to be indexed for ?
And for to be further sub-configurable at post/reply level?

I'd opt in happily (not that I have much to offer though I'm sure 🤪).

Is search opt-in a non starter as a Mastodon feature request?


#fedsearch #search #searchability

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolkenreich · @Wolkenreich
48 followers · 124 posts · Server

schreibt auf seiner Seite "Due to extreme backlash from the Mastodon community we decided to end the project, it is obviously not wanted by server admins." 😬
@graorn @reDDakteur @don


Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Fogg · @ianfogg
147 followers · 134 posts · Server

@richvn Given the content filters & warnings that are a core part of the experience, why not have an opt-in free text ? ie we build a system where profiles, posts/toots can be opted in to be and fully . Would need wider community support (eg from @Gargron & others) but this would be v useful while avoiding controversy .io

#fediverse #search #indexed #searchable #fedsearch

Last updated 2 years ago

polarity :wig: · @polarity
705 followers · 1229 posts · Server

I can already foresee a future where mastodon server networks split in half or multiple groups. Those who want to hide content as much as possible and those who want to make it as open and searchable as possible.


#mastodon #fedsearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Amanda Warr :rna: · @Amandatron89
803 followers · 1023 posts · Server

@theosanderson personally I have been not hashtagging much when I am just chatting, because I don't particularly want people inserting themselves in my casual conversations, but when I am talking about my work or subjects I want people to know about or comment on I put in hashtags, like in this example. It will take a bit more thought, but I am sure we can adapt. If people aren't doing it just add to your own response to encourage it.

#fedsearch #search #hashtags

Last updated 2 years ago

@LunaFoxgirlVT Curious what your thoughts are on this
Basically until yesterday WAS a search engine that did full text search on as many posts across the fediverse that it could get it could find. (but you can opt out of it by using the mastodon settings)

It was actually pretty useful to find certain people with niche interests but that don't realize you really need to # things properly


Last updated 2 years ago

Vito Botta :it: :fi: :uk: · @vito
158 followers · 520 posts · Server

I am very sad that was shut down due to complains from people. Can anyone explain what happened?

#fedsearch #mastoadmin

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed W8EMV · @w8emv
180 followers · 155 posts · Server

Your instance might be being bombarded by requests from fedsearch, a rather rude bot that is trying to scrape the fediverse to build a full text search engine.

Not linking to it.

If you are not interested in participating in this enterprise, you might track the efforts of

@muffinista @ariadne

who are each in their way working to mitigate its effects.

(if it's not one thing, it's another)

#fedsearch #hugops #mastoadmin

Last updated 2 years ago

Blickwinkel · @Blickwinkel
670 followers · 4967 posts · Server

Immer wieder lese ich, dass es hier keine Volltextsuche gibt. 🤔

Wie wäre es damit? 😀

Als Beispiel "vegan" 🌱

FedSearch - Federated network search engine

Danke @leakix

#mastodon #neuhier #fragen #suchen #searchtools #search #tool #fedsearch

Last updated 2 years ago

Nemo_bis 🌈 · @nemobis
789 followers · 2791 posts · Server